Monday, March 27, 2006

Michael tries to update the crew

Just scanned the archives. Wholly fuck, you've all been busy posting. I know where some of the missing offmen are. How do we exchange real emails on this thing? It's so weird, I'm really freaking technical, but this site just isn't "intuitive" or user friendly.

So, I know I've only been putting up tiny posts. I've just been super short on time. That's still the case now, but I gotta write something.

I'm married. I have no kids. Don't think we'll be having any. Have my own business making videos for non profit organizations. I also freelance as a director, producer, production coordinator, and a cameraman. I work digusting numbers of hours. I have one full time employee and a part timer. I usually have an intern. I'm always working on stuff. I'm currently producing a documentary, developing projects with an educational film distributor, developing a TV show (that's more a longshot now), and others. I shoot everything from corporate interviews to steeplechase racing on video. I keep real busy. My website is which is a several months out of date.

Melissa and I own a 123 year old victorian twin in the Germantown/Mt. Airy section of Philadelphia. It's a 5 bedroom (two of which are for the business) and is in good shape, but still needs a ton of work. We've had it almost three years and are just starting on the cosmetics.

There's of course much more to tell, and I'll try to tell it soon.

Found the post about songs. I'm not listening to a damn thing. Tragic as that is.


Sickboy said...

welcome back friend. It is great to see your words here and it is even better to know you are doing so well. I hope to see you on here as often as possible.

talk soon brother.

nothing. nothing and more nothing.

Sickboy said...

by the way Mike, can I email you through your company website so I can hook you up with my email?

Let me know here.

nada mas.

Michael said...

sure. It gets right to me! Email away. I'd love to email with you.

dad-e~O said...

there is a whole lot of work in a 125 yr old house. cool.
good to hear your staying out of trouble by keeping busy.

making flippy floppy, talking heads

Michael said...

The Talking Heads are the best band.


Scott said...

I want to see a photo of your home. I just love the Victorian vernacular. I feel I almost have a clue as to how much work an old home requires, mine is mere 78 years old.
I personally don’t know where I found all this time to post, but then again after spending an afternoon cleaning up dog poop in my back yard, I now have some ideas as to where my priorities have been lately.
Any how Eric and I have been using G-mail accounts to communicate with one another, as a means of increasing the visibility of the name Offmen on the Google server. Originally we thought it would be cool if people could find us just by typing in Offmen into Google. But mostly we have been communicating through the comment section of the bog sight. If you want to reach any of the three active blogging members just click on one of our names on the side bar.
I am currently working on redesigning the interface on our blog site. Pete suggested that we consider reorganizing the way our comments are displayed, maybe off to the side of the main post area. I think it’s a great idea to have the comments as a more visible component of our site. I’ll work on figuring that one out.
Mr. Grieves, The Pixies

Michael said...
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