Monday, March 06, 2006

Music that might suck for you!

In response to Pete and Eric’s post’s, I feel like I have been on a hedonistic musical binge for these few years. With the discovery of personalized web radio A.K.A., I have some how rediscovered how to find music I like and even at times feel like a pimply faced teenager once again.

As late I have been just smitten for music by Kristin Hersh. In particular her album Sunny Border Blue has been on my play list for a few weeks. Another band DJ Shadow’s album The Private Press seems to make for some of the best sitting behind the keyboard time spent. And then on an entirely different vain Gustave Holst’s lesser-known composition for two piano’s The Planets keeps me believing that I may someday have an actual classical music play-list.



dad-e~O said...

thanks for sharing a cool recomendation. I will look for these at the Library.

dad-e~O said...

I too love lauch cast, do you know how to share stations?

Scott said...

To see my station just click the link in my post. There is a button on the personalized home page called share with friends. I am very much into music from my public library as well.

dad-e~O said...

oh very cool. I clicked and what oened but a einstrue. I didn't even know they were in there.
my yahoo station is peterbarson, very imaginative I know, but check it out. its a little eclectic (tee hee)
And coicidently I am sitting in the library while writing this. the ISP here is faster so I can do searches and holds simotaniusly, and since theres head phones I can listen to launch cast at the same time.

Scott said...

I made your station on of my influencer’s thanks. I listen to Launch through my yahoo messenger while at work. I think I have Eric's station influencing me as well.

dad-e~O said...

thanks Scott, I picked up some Kristen Hersch and trowing Muses at the library, cool stuff.
Unfortunatly they don't have any of E's picks.