Thursday, March 30, 2006


I think the expression is "Let's run it up the flag pole and see who salutes"
Ok boyos. the fact that my wife is sitting next to me is not the only reason I write this.

What about an auxalry to OffMen, OffDames(name pending). wifes (or female significant others) and chicloyalists to OffMen in general(Jen B., Kris R., Amy N., Deanna M., Andi C.)
We were a group of boys who love(d) our friends. and waren't e'scared to say so. But we all moved on from our common NW Chi-town burb roots. and part of the reason most of us moved on is cause we gots ourselves hitched. our loyalty is just as strong to our spouces now as it was to our friends then.
So our companions and friends are fairly likely to have more then one or two somthings in common.


Scott said...

You have my vote.


Sickboy said...

yeah, sounds fair enough.....would they need a "leader" and all that?

dad-e~O said...

nah. f dat shit. we give um a name and voting rights. let the dames figure it out from there.

Sickboy said...

yeah, theyd need a blog too, the broads and all....

Ill spread the word though amongst the kittens I talk to to see if they bite, keep ya posted....

Michael said...

Ummm. It's fine, but its really our late adolescent thing. I'm sure the wives are gonna meet and everything. I agree about being loyal to our spouses. I'm all about that, but not sure if it isn't a little late in life to try and start a women's auxilary to our adolescent alliegiances?

Not objecting as much as thinking out loud and playing a bit of devil's advocate.

Scott said...

Building on Mikes thought out loud, I was wondering where a Off ladys blog would get as much enrgy as ours? I guess It depends on who we are talking about?

Anonymous said...

geez, if u guys think u have b real though, the Offmen has always been the Offmen. I kind of like playing the voyeur on this this site-though a mechanism for the old crew to communicate would b great. Doesn't have 2 be an auxillary-we long ago stopped being your groupies I think, though I think I could always b enticed. Just a meeting house of sorts for all those who want to reminice or keep in touch would b nice, no?