Saturday, March 11, 2006

An Offmen New Years Snapshot From Many Years Past...

First of all many thanks go to Lil Bondo for the image itself. Secondly, L to R we have Frank "Mongo", John "T" M., Rick R. and Mark K.

I dont think Mark was ever an Offmen but we will forgive him in this picture. I remember this night: it consisted of New Year's Eve activities at Kevin S's. home and then on to what looks like something that is NOT an actual Denny's! Lets look at the coffee cups and water glasses...those arent Denny's coffee cups and I dont think Denny's used those water glasses either. Where were we? Im thinking maybe a Wags diner.

As you can see by this picture it was taken late at night and all captured in it look pretty tired. I know none of us were drinking that night, those in this photo were just plain beat!

That was another cool thing about being an Offmen...sure, we had plenty of times where things like alcohol were invloved, but not everytime. We could still get together as a group and still have a seriously great time without booze always fucking it up. Im not trying to sound like a goodie-goodie, Im just saying, we had such a good times in most cases, we didnt need help.

Mike Ness, Ball and Chain (Honky Tonk)


Scott said...

Didnt Mark prefer Wag's? great photo!

Dryer, in laundry room

Scott said...

No alcohol that night but we had our vices, smoking for one and drinking so much coffee I am surprised I slept at all back in the day. Nowadays I don’t smoke or drink coffee, I guess I have become a mini-van drivi’n goody two shoe. How ever I do brew my own beer, muhahaha.

Pure Denizen of the Citizens of Band, Frank Black

Scott said...

Thanks for your I.M. Eric; you are correct that was the night that Frank broke his hand after punching a concrete wall. If I remember correctly there were three of us trying to pin him down with out success that evening. Then one of us came up with the idea to try and hog tie him with some rope… I personally didn’t think it was wrong he had been kicking our asses for several hours strait! I guess he took it a little more to hart than we had expected. In retrospect it seems that wrestling Frank was indeed just another one of our favorite pastimes, he was so good-natured about it and so dam hard to beat all at the same time.

No Woman No Cry, Bob Marley

dad-e~O said...

I for one was mostly underage during my Offmen days. not that it kept me from drinking, just drinking in public.

modest mouse