Monday, March 27, 2006

Thought for the day :

" He cannot rule the great who cannot rule the small. "

I guess something like this would apply to starting within your own home or something, huh?


Michael said...

It's actually about midgets. People love to rule midgets. Either that or small minds. Maybe small minded midgets. But it has nothing to do with giants who look down on midgets. That can only be corrected with a ladder.

dad-e~O said...

as a taller person I can tell you it is real fun to make fun of midget's unless they are smarter then me.
Anyone remember that Sienfeld with the midget who was a stand in for a kid on a tv show. got in trouble for wearing lifts in his shoes cause the kid was growing.

Kasmir S.Polanski day, Big Black

Michael said...

No recollection whatsoever. But it's a good visual.