Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Thought for the day :

" He walks as if balancing the family tree on his nose. "

What the hell does this mean? Im not a seal, so I dont balance anything on my nose. I wish I knew the original place where the site I use is getting these "thoughts" from.....that site has to be pretty interesting....



Scott said...

It kind of sounds like an insult to me...some one who might be stuck on their own pedigree?

Hmm actualy sounds just like my dog Rosie.


Sickboy said...

haha, you havea conceited dog?

Pearl Jam, Alive ( acoustic live version)

Scott said...

Let just say she has a very discerning (and some times annoying) pallet. She is also very sweet and loving to the three humans in the house, Monty however is just swine to her.

Lichen, Aphex Twin

dad-e~O said...

Henry is the same way, but she is usually pretty good to visitors, 4 legged or 2. ery snooty about her vittles though.

shhh. everyones asleep