Sunday, April 09, 2006


In My Humble Opinion:
Americans should not use the term "Cheers", unless they are holding a drink and tapping glass rims with friends and they can't think of anything more clever to say.
nor should they use the word that sounds like the word chow (I refuse to spell it properly).
These are words that should only be used by people with accent's. every time I hear an american use these terms I always asume they are trying to be something they aren't.
I think that the only exception would be if you are truly first generation and you have to transelate for your P's. Then and only then is it OK to say "thanks and see ya" by saying "Cheers" or "Chow"
Don't get me wrong.... It's not that I have no respect for my european heritage.. it's mainly that I feel we as americans have enough cute little ways to say "bye-bye" without swiping other culteral cleverisms. I love Ireland (WHISKEY AND BEER), and god knows I would love to spend a few months traipsing around Italy on my bike looking at art(whatever?), drinking WINE, and eating FOOD. but...
If it was so great would so many people have come to Amerigo Vespuci's mislabled end of the earth to look for something new? mmmmm.

daytime dilema, the ramones

I will leave it to you "OFFMEN" to figure out how tounge in cheek this little rant is.


Sickboy said...

Did someone have a shit day at work?

Good rant though, I agree I guess. You get an A+


Sickboy said...

What really bothers me though is how it seems it is cool in todays' world to mis-spell things on purpose like thanx, l8r and so on. I just dont see why that is so damn cool. I take a lot of pride in my written work so I just cant realte to that. If you cant spell, but you are trying, that is one thing, but to purposely mis-spell things just so its cool is another.

nothing, im still collecting new MP3s....

Scott said...

In my humble opinion modifying language is very American. For fuck sake we are the Offmen... Piss off???

Ahh crap, I thinks Pete is just trying to get me to rant, such a bright boy. I will not rant before I think.
Thanks Pete.

steve butt said...

isn't the english language the bastard language of the world anyway? it is built to absorb words from other languages and make them into english and us americans have advance the art well beyond our brothers from across the pond.

just a thought. steve butt

dad-e~O said...

yes... bad day attending to the stupid needs of people with too much money. at least it's satisfying knowing that we overcharge for everything. your paying 4.50 for a bud!!! hah!!!
and Scott it's true we are certainly the offmen, and pissoff was an brit-ism (is that a word) but it was for rebels (how's that for justification) it is truly american to modify(improve) an existing thing to make it more ours. look at what NewYork, Cali, and Chi town did for punk and rock. but thats a modification not a copy. I refer to my original point. I work with woman from Georgia who, when she leaves for the day she says "Chow" with a southern twang. it sounds like she is emulating a sophisticated european. but she doesn't carry it off. rediculus...

kitchen noise, im at work