Monday, April 10, 2006

another thought of the day

"It is the authoritarian upbringing of little children, the teaching them to be fearful and submissive, that secures for the political power monger the slavery and gullibility of millions of adult men and woman."
-William Reich, The Mass Psychology of Facism


Sickboy said...

I just watched a movie on Facism, this is interesting that you bring this up. It is a small world. But, I will add a little controversy to the argument..."On paper" can facism work?

steve butt said...

it does seem to be working fairly effectivly around the world, and has made many deep inroads into this country as well.

dad-e~O said...

"on paper" people are rarely as corrupt as they manage to be in real life.
Steve, have we met? I don't know.
real deep thought of the day though. thanks for giveing me something (else) to think about.

steve butt said...

i'm not sure if we have met, i'm scott's cousin. ring any bells. I was at the offman camping trip.
i am in the middle of trying to teach a nine year old love and understanding. his name is Josh. I think I'm doing a good job despite all of the outside influences.he doesn't seem to hate anybody yet. although i'm guessing that his teenage years will be his real test.

dad-e~O said...

yes I think so. I was in FLA during the camping trip but I think maby we met at one party or another at the appts. in mt.prospect, with frank and bob and everyone....

your profile says your in the tourism buz, what do you do?
Who's the 9yr old. my boys are 8 and 9 and I can sympathise with the trying to teach stuff challenge.