Thursday, April 06, 2006

Big Comment - Old Post

FYI - I haven't been spending enough time here, as I was out of town visiting my parents (Northern Wisconsin, not Chicago. I would have let you all know).
Anyway, I just added a huge comment to the illegal immigration post from several days back and would hate to see my piss and vinegar go to waste.

Listening to the first open window of spring. I love the sound of traffic sometimes.


dad-e~O said...

well put Micheal.
"the shrub", he he he...I was also confuse by the term "guest worker" seems out of charecter for this dufas to be into guest workers but against immigration.... it's definatly a confusing and multi faceted topic. perhaps the fact that "guest Workers" here will save big buisness money by allowing them to pay shitier money to barely legals, legaly here.
As someone who employs people of mexican heritage I can tell you I don't like being held legally responsble for having to decipher the legality of papers.

Also, since you mention it.
Let's ask our internet guru (Scott)if we can have posts/theads that are added to get put back to the top of the page. I belong to a bike forums site and the threads /posts are orginised by the most recent posting to them

Sickboy said...

Thanks for the comments Poobah. The more I learn about this illegal thing, the more I understand.

dad-e~O said...

funny, the more i learn the less I understand

faster then the world, h20

Mark M said...

Michael -- I just found your comment (Saturday afternoon). Damn good work, and thanks for pointing us to it! (By the way, Tippy's original posting has scrolled clear off the page. To make it easier for people to find, here is a link to it.)

Scott said...

Well it’s obvious that we hold a common thread, and I for one being part of that choir, just love all you’re singing. It’s a good feeling when you know you are not alone. I would like to add just a small extension to this conversation. My neighbors are from Mexico, and I think they are wonderful! They don’t speak much English, and in fact they are really rather quiet. They take care of their property, (helping to protect my own property value) and they always smile and say hello when I see them. What more could one ask. I really cannot say the same for my other neighbors (the white people who more than some of which are just a bit creepy in a WTF sort of way). I’ll just save those details for some none written occasion.
Ghost Wiring, Neko Case

dad-e~O said...

theres an old expression that goes something along the lines.... of all the different kinds of trash in the world, the kind that smells the worst is white.... I probably fucked that up a bit but you get the idea.