Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Cosmonaut Pavel Vinogradov, who took over command of the space station last week, hopes to hit a gold-plated golf ball during an August spacewalk.
Because of zero gravity, Vinogradov's drive will make golf's long-distance hitters like John Daly look positively feeble. The ball, equipped with a tracking device, is expected to remain in orbit for several years.
The low drive from the space station -- which travels at 17,000 mph, 250 miles above Earth -- is a publicity stunt for Element 21 Golf Co., a Canadian-based golf club manufacturer.
NASA officials met on Tuesday to review the safety of the stunt, which already has been approved by the Russian space agency. NASA is expected to make a decision at a later date.

Ok people, we have fellow Americans on the streets as I type, starving to death and yet the Govt. has enough time and money to fuck around with something like this. It really makes me sick.


Mark M said...

I was sure that had to be a hoax, so I checked it out. Sadly, it's legit. Here's the text from Element 21's home page: "Through the collborative efforts of six nations [etc.], ... every single record for distance in the golf industry will be shattered when one of the International Space Station's astronauts will hit an E21 golf ball around the world -- using an E21, pure gold plated club."

Well, you know, sometimes in the pursuit of scientific knowledge, it's hard to see the point... Aw crap. Snark fails me here. There is no point. This is just a government-funded corporate stunt to promote a product for someone's country club buddies. Gold plated clubs??? Gag.

Scott said...

I agree it is sort of hooky and extravagant when viewed from out of context, but consider who is paying for any sort of space exploration these days. Maybe I have watched too much Star Trek, the idea of exploring space as a human being fills me a lot of hope. I feel like we all need a little hope in our lives, and exploration of our external surrounding seems a lot less pernicious than pissing off Arabs with smart bombs. I really don’t want robots to steel all of our glory in the name of cost savings, what the hell is money for any ways… I mean why bother getting up and going to work in the morning if you are working for more that the minimum basics I.E. food and shelter.

Also I am not sure I am all that enthusiastic about Eric posting a whole article with out revealing his sources; maybe a link would be more appropriate. However I am willing to let it play out. I mean I am just a Star trek watching fool.

Thanks for your words Mark, I always find them insightful and fun to read.

Beaches of Tomorrow, Low Flying Owls

Sickboy said...

I found this through a link on my google start page.

Sickboy said...

I thought for sure that I gave credit where it was due. I have my start page set to Googles' personalized page and I always get news info. from the likes of CNN and ABC.

so yeah, Google rules!

dad-e~O said...

mmmmmm. itresting argument. now let's take this to the most ilogical extreme. one of my favorite authors is Orsen Scott Card, and in one of his Series' he tells a story about what would happen if Earth was invaded by an Alien species. If the Earth was destroyed by aliens the Human race would become extinct. But if we explore Space, we throw our species accross the galaxy and almost certainly avoid extinction.
So using that argument, you could say that the more familiar we become with space the sooner we insure our own future.

Michael said...

So Pete, are you saying that we can achieve immortality through an improved golf swing?
Should I have my nuts gold plated so I can fire the jizz shot heard around the universe?
If a tree falls in a space station, and no one is there to hear it does that mean humanity is lost?

Okay, that was probably aimed at everyone, not just Pete. It just came out that way.

dad-e~O said...

sheesh Mike, can't a guy play devil's advocate without being sprayed with gold plated jizz from philly?

Michael said...

Pete, Sorry man. Didn't mean to get that in your eye.
I recommend billiards in space. A much better game in general.

dad-e~O said...

no harm done, that stuff just wipes off.

public witness program, fugazi

Scott said...

Speaking of witty comments, Mike I loved your response to Frank in the OMI reunion pos. I’m still LOL!!!

Beatle Juice the Series, Danny Elfman

Michael said...

Scott -
Glad to make you giggle. But have you noticed the distinct lack of response? Not to mention the near end of postings on the reunion topic. I believe that my rant may have scared the gang off from wanting to ever have a reunion.
Cest la vie.