Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I phoned Frank to inform him of our little blog party

The other night I had a dream that I had found Frank's stolen leather jacket, and was able to confiscate it from the person wearing it. I’m not sure exactly how that worked in my dream, they guy wearing Franks jacket was of smaller stature than I, but the jacket fit him rather well. All I really remember is that I went crazy when I saw the guy wearing it and felt very compelled to risk life and limb to retrieve it.

The dream filled me with motivation and so I got off my lazy ass and phoned him last night. As usual it was great to speak with him. I invited him to join us on our blog site, and he informed me that if he find some time that he will be more than happy to let lose on us. I happily expect no less of him.

As Tommy Fixes Fights, Clue to Kalo


Sickboy said...

Im glad you talked to him. Maybe I should invite him to the little get together at Jen B's. pad later this month.

You got an email addy? Talking on the ph one with him after so long would be an odd way to break the ice.

Sickboy said...

I bet he still has to have that damn jacket too, dont ya think?

radio in background.

Scott said...

It was stolen a long time ago.


Sickboy said...

glad to know he is around doing ok. I never knew the infamous jacket had been stolen. I wonder where it is???


Michael said...

Someone probably realized the size of the mofo who once sported it and as fast as it was stolen, ditched it in the Chicago River for fear of life and limb.

Sting. Some boring freaking song. Sometimes Itunes screws up.

Michael said...

Oh, and he better show up here, or I'll give him a swift kick in the nuts. I'm small and run fast, I'll do it damn it!

Tom Waits - nighthawks intro. That's better Itunes.