Thursday, April 06, 2006

OMI Reunion

Anyone know how to make this post sticky so it stays at the top of the blog for ongoing debate?

Here's the deal. Get out your calendars. Let's make a plan. I am going to be in Kenosha, WI for a shoot on 10/21/06 and 10/22/06. That's a Saturday and a Sunday. I'm thinking of driving out so that I can haul all the gear and maybe drive up to Northern WI to visit the P's either before or after the shoot.

Here's my proposal: Reunion Weekend either Sat. and Sun. 10/14+15 or Sat. and Sun. 10/28+29. Then I'll have the week between to go to WI and do a couple other things. People who need to travel should hopefully be able to do so for a weekend date. We could take over someone's home, rent a small ballroom in a hotel, take over a restaurant or bar... That's open. The only question is do we have enough time in the next six months to find enough of the Offmen? If we don't think we do, we could hold back until another time. I'll still come out and hook up with whoever around the shoot dates, but we'll save the big party until we find more people.

Please comment. Don't forget to say if there is a date preference. Once we set this in motion I'll really want to stick to it.


Sickboy said...

It sounds good, but it is so far out yet, I cant commit as of yet. I have a hard enough time keeping up an d a bout for next week, let alone 6+ months from now.

By the way, I dont think there is a way to make this sticky so it stays up here. If there is, I think Scott may know.

dad-e~O said...

I can definatly say I want to be kept in the circle of info. That's the weekend of Tif's b-day. So some time will be dedicated to her, but I can probably drag her to a OffMan gathering after a quiet dinner somewhere.

Speaking of Tif, she just e-mailed Mike McGovern the link to our little blog to see if he can come out to play.
And I spoke to Bob L. he is as busy as a one legged polka dancer (explaining his absence)

love and bullshit, fishbone

Sickboy said...

Thanks for the update on Bob, I was beginning to wonder if he still loved us.

Michael said...

Wait, I offered two weekends. The one with the shoot is NOT good for me. I want to play either the weekend before or the weekend after.

dad-e~O said...

oops, the devil is in the details.
in that case sign me up for the 14th+15th.

Scott said...

I will try and put this info up as a sidebar, either tonight or tomorrow.

Driving with bert, Neil Halsted

Michael said...

That's great Scott. Thanks.

I'm for the same weekend as Pete. Tally so far:
14+15 = 2 votes
28+19 = 0 votes

cast your ballots soon

steve butt said...

I relly cannot commit to any thing so far away. I'm not sure where or what I will be doing in October. If I can make it I will. Steve Butt

Scott said...

May I have your attention Kmart shoppers, Offmen Frank has entered the blog!!!

Sickboy said...

what a loving entrance for Frank! I am so happy to see you my brother, it has been too damn long.

dad-e~O said...

Say hello to Steve B. everyone.


Michael said...

Frankie, aren't you the slack jawed faggot? My jaw has never been slack, fag or otherwise. My affair with Stephen was our little secret. You blabbermouthed homophobic bitch. You're just jealous because Gus Van Sant wouldn't give you a rim job like you wanted. You had to settle for a second rate hand job.

Good to see you Steve!

Frank. I love you. In a gay porn sort of way. I want to not be able to have your baby, big boy.

Michael said...

Let's go people. Choose some dates. I know it seems far away, but its only a matter of 6 months. We need places to party and sleep. Ways to get there. Plane tickets.
Steve - good to see you but I cannot accept your nondenial denial of date choice.

dad-e~O said...

we're a long way away form needing a hotel space. Right now a largeish table in most restaurant would do. Although we might want to pick somewhere loud, with cheep pitchers of beer. hmmmm what about a bowling alley type inviroment.
What happened to Bob and Frank, they posted once or twice then poof. they must hate us...

Sickboy said...

I will go for the 14 and 15tth since everyone else is. God damn peer pressure.

Scott said...

14th and 15th will would do for me, I'll offer my garage/ basement if our group is not more than 15 or 20.

Michael said...

Sweet. Sounds like so far it's the 14th and 15th. If there are no objections, we'll lock onto those before the end of May or June and do the actual planning.
Scott, the garage/basement offer is great. Not to look a gift horse in the uvula, but are either/both spots going to be warm enough in mid October?
Let's see how many we are going to be and once the dates are locked we'll start a head count.
I love progress. Huzzah!!!

Anyone having any luck tracking wayward offmen? We had a couple pop in and then dissappear. FRANK!

Anonymous said...

hey guys, its me johnboy, i sorry for being mia for so long but, i had work some shit out.i keep running mike at my work and he was nice enough to pass this site onto me . I can' beleive that a mojority of tou are still in the area,I,m married ,have 2 beautiful kid a daughter ,at3 years, and 9 month old son, and a beautiful wife.I still work for saturn doing the grease monkey thing,and part time at the home depot,so i dont have alot of time to myself,so it might take a couple days to respond to any post after this one,looking forward to hear from you brothers, sorry this post is so short I got to go with you guys later,johnboy a.k.a billjohn a.a.k.a john k

Sickboy said...

I think the reunion is no more. We tried damnit, we tried.