Wednesday, April 19, 2006

The random by-weekly Image, from the Offmen Archive

Aww the sleepy Frank

Let me know if any of you object to this new concept. Twice a week I am just going to blindly reach into my bin of old photos and pull one out then post it. I promise to cull the nude ones.

The Third Chamber, Loop Guru


Sickboy said...

sounds like a great idea, I dont think you have too many pictures of me.

dad-e~O said...

sounds like fun, mabye I'll try to find some too.
I'm probably not in to many pics either.

dad-e~O said...

remeber how he'd sleep at the drop of a hat.
almost like a narcoleptic.

Scott said...

He slept through Steve and I moving all of my stuff into that apartment. I thought he wasn’t home… we made a ton of noise! When ever he asked me to wake him in the morning, I would make the strongest pot of coffee I could imagine, twice brewed, then I would hold the steaming cup under his nose till he woke, completely and sat up and took a sip. The sip was critical, if he did not take it, then it meant he really was not awake, and would continue sleeping if I left the room. It was definatly a labor of love getting him out of bed in the morning...good times.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't my fault I was always sooooooo tired

Sickboy said...

well well well, if it isnt Frank stopping on in to grace us w. his presense. hi there frank!

dad-e~O said...

I am also blessed with the abilty to sleep anywhere, any time.
'sup Frank.
Tiff pointed out that every picture that she has seen frank asleep in.. he has a hand over his head. peculiar.

Michael said...

Whose fault was it Frank? Chuckie Chicken's?

Anonymous said...

To whom it may concern: My sleeping habbits haven't changed much. Last week I fell fast asleep while I had iron in the air. I personally blame George W. Bush ( who is a flaming homosexial, rat bastard god damned son of a bitch ) for all problems in life. And hi-lo to all.

Michael said...

I second Frank's motion or comment or whatever that was.

dad-e~O said...

I've got your back on the rat fucking bastard part, but but I'm pretty sure the Flaming Homo society would take you to task for incuding him in their ranks.