Friday, April 21, 2006

Stay at Home Dad

If you could, would you? I told P early on in our relationship that if the situation ever presented it self I would do it, now I am seriously considering taking that plunge, and I am finding that it is not as easy to do as I had originally thought. Am I being a chicken shit?


dad-e~O said...

fuck yea,
I'd do it..
I was as close as many dad's become. Tif and I worked oposite shifts. and the lads never saw the inside of a day care.
Tif says that one key cosideration is to have an outside interest. that way you don't feel all cooped up, all the time.
It's all about quality of life. is that the quality you want? Can you make a decent living from your home office?

Sickboy said...

hell man, before I got divorced and went to shit, I did it for the first year and a half of my daughters life. At times, it was very intense and trying, but if I could do it and do a damn good job at it, you sure as hell can.

Sickboy said...

.....and NO, I dont think youre being a chicken shit. I think you are looking at your fears in an honest and open manner.

This is something serious you want to and need to look at. I would think you could take your time with the issues at hand and be certain.

Youd do fine with it though, I am sure, youre a pretty reasonable and responsible guy. DO what your heart leads you to do. IM sure you have financial th ings to look at here too, but those shouldnt take position above little C....the damn $$$ will always be there.

dad-e~O said...

If you and P can find a way to make it work then you should do it you will form a bond with your son that not a lot of fathers get a chance to. (mike works at night so mo can work during the day) The most important thing to remerber is what works for you and your family.PERIOD

Sickboy said...

AMEN to that PJ, I back that action up 100%