Friday, March 30, 2007


A page a day calendar uses less paper material in its production than a regular-sized wall calendar.

---Now I want all you leftist, tree huggers to run out and get a page a day calender right away!!!---

Thursday, March 29, 2007


--Will someone with a Big Black album handy please tell me what label they were on? All the Big Black I have is in MP3 form and I wanna order some online. Thanks---

Dick who?

STRATFORD, Conn. Mar 29, 2007 (AP)— A man was taken to Bridgeport Hospital for a psychiatric evaluation after he led authorities on a high-speed chase and then claimed to be Vice President Dick Cheney, police said.

John Spernak, 42, later admitted he wasn't Cheney but said he was actually "Charlie's Angels" star Jaclyn Smith, police said. He also claimed to be the husband of Paris Hilton's sister.

Police said Spernak, driving at more than 90 mph Monday night, hit a patrol car and was shocked with a stun gun before they could arrest him. He was charged with attempted first-degree assault, engaging police in a pursuit, reckless driving, criminal mischief, interfering with police and being in a town park after dark.

---Sick or not, the last thing Id do is admit I was Dick Cheney, screw that noise! If you could pretend to be someone in a sickened rampage, who would you pick? Not that this guy was pretending, he prolly is in need of some psychiatric help, but you get my drift....---

Illegals and driving....

---So yeah, Im too lazy to try and find a story on it, but whats this I hear about Illinois making a law where its OK for Illegals to get "certificates" for illegals to get drivers permits? Anyone got an opinion on it?---

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

No more ink for grunts.

---I think this is total bullshit.---


OCEANSIDE, Calif. Mar 28, 2007 (AP)— Five tattooed skulls stretch from Marine Cpl. Jeremy Slaton's right elbow to his wrist, spelling out the word "Death." He planned to add a tattoo spelling "Life" on his left arm, but that's on hold because of a Marine policy taking effect Sunday.

The Marines are banning any new, extra-large tattoos below the elbow or the knee, saying such body art is harmful to the Corps' spit-and-polish image.

Slaton and other grunts are not pleased.

"I guess I'll get the other half later," grumbled the 24-year-old leatherneck from Eden Prairie, Minn. "It's kind of messed up."

For many Marines, getting a tattoo is a rite of passage. They commonly get their forearms inscribed to remember fallen comrades, combat tours or loved ones, and often ask for exotic designs that incorporate the Marine motto, Semper Fi, or "Always faithful."

Dozens of Marines from Camp Pendleton, the West Coast's biggest Marine base, made last-minute trips to tattoo parlors in nearby Oceanside before the ban kicked in.

"This is something I love to do," said Cpl. David Nadrchal, 20, of Pomona, who made an appointment to get an Iraqi flag and his deployment dates etched onto his lower leg. "The fact I can't put something on my body that I want it's a big thing to tell me I can't do that."

Nadrchal said he is unsure whether he will re-enlist: "There's all these little things. They are slowly chipping away at us."


---I just found out that Social D. Is coming to town on May 2nd! The venue they are playing seats like 1000 people so it will be a totally intimate setting. Ive seen these guys 10 times and Ive never had the chance to see them up this close and personal!!!!!---

Wheres all the news?

---AM Temp. 52
Skies. Cloudy

Man, Im trying really hard to keep the blog updated with some decent news stories so we have something to comment on, but there has been NO good news over the past few days. Ive looked and looked. The story about the British sailors has been all over the place, but thats kinda boring. For once, that is something we need to stay out of...its NOT our problem, leave it up to the damn Brits.

Its been damp, humid and rainy here the past couple of days which kinda sucks, but its that time of year where there is a lot of rain in the region, spring will do that, duh.

Thats all from here. What have you guys been up to? Where are you PJ?---

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Another joke!!!

---I had to post this one, I got a good chuckle out of it.---

Back when Bill Clinton and Hillary got married Bill told her, “There's one thing I want you to know. There's a box under my bed and I don't want you to look in it until I die.”

Hillary agreed to this but, over the years, the curiosity got the better of her and she finally looked in it. She found three beer cans and 1.5 million dollars in cash.

When she asked Bill what the beer cans were for, he replied, “Well, those are for all the times I've cheated on you.”

Hillary said, “Well, that's not bad after all these years and you being a politician and traveling and all.”

She was about to leave, but then she said, “Hey, Bill, what about the 1.5 million dollars?”

Bill replied, “That's for all the times the box got full and I had to cash the cans in.”

Great quote

The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it always to be kept alive.
- Thomas Jefferson

---Makes you wonder what our Forefathers would think of our Govt. today.---

Captured Sailors

---Am Temp. 55
Skies. Cloudy

So, how serious do you think this is? Does this have the potential to really escalate things between Iran and the west?---


TEHRAN, Iran -- Iran says the 15 detained British sailors and marines it is holding are healthy and being treated in a humane fashion.

"They are in completely good health. Rest assured that they have been treated with humanitarian and moral behavior," Mohammad Ali Hosseini, a spokesman for the Foreign Ministry, told The Associated Press on Tuesday.

Iran's Revolutionary Guards captured the group Friday, while it was conducting what Britain called an inspection of a merchant vessel near the mouth of the Shatt al-Arab, at the northern end of the Persian Gulf.

Hosseini said the one woman in the group had complete privacy. "Definitely all ethics have been observed," he said.

The official declined to say where the marines were being held and repeated that their case was under investigation.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Lookout, its joke time!!!!

There was this American tourist in Mexico, and he was getting tired of walking around, so he went up to a donkey rental place and said, ''Can I rent a donkey?'

The guy said, "We don't call them donkeys here, we call them asses. This is the only ass I have left, and you have to scratch him when you want to make him stop."

The guy rides his ass for a while, sees a hotdog stand, and asks for a hotdog. The vendor replies, "We don't call them hotdogs here we call the wieners."

Meanwhile his donkey is wandering away, so he goes up to another tourist and says "Will you hold my wiener whille I scratch my ass?"

HIllary is in town.

---AM Temp. 62
Skies. Mostly Sunny.

Well Hillary Clinton is in town this morning conducting a "town hall" meeting. It was on Goodmorning America, but I only caught a few minutes of it, which in turn, was all I needed. The woman makes me ill.

This spring weather is simply heavenly. What did you guys do this weekend? Did you get to spend time outside? Fill me in....---

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sick no more

---Am Temp. A balmy 66!!!
Skies. Sunny as can be.

Its amazing to me how fast a child recovers from being ill. It takes us days to feel better and it seems like it took my daughter minutes. One second she was sleeping, seemingly recovering from her illness and the next she wanted to play games and was up looking great!

Kids blow my mind, they really do.---

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Sick kid

---AM Temp. 61
Skies. Stormy

My kid is very sick so Ill be watching her all weekend which will be nice, but unfortunately its under bad circumstances. You all have a great weekend.---

Friday, March 23, 2007

This is a though one

Look Closer!

What is this rebus?


Got a smoke?

---Its another beautiful spring morning here. I slept with my window cracked open last night and I wasnt even cold.

Ive always thought of tabacco and alocohol to be more deadly and dangerous then say, marijuana, but Im not sure of its danger factor against other drugs. Meth is a really nasty drug, I have seen what it can do to an individual and a family first hand...I would much rather see a person smoke a cigarette rather than take up a meth habit. Speed is nasty. Heroin is pretty nasty too, I think Id rather drink than do heroin.

Heres a little article on the dangers of alcohol/cigarettes versus other drugs.....

By MARIA CHENG AP Medical Writer

LONDON Mar 23, 2007 (AP)— New "landmark" research finds that alcohol and tobacco are more dangerous than some illegal drugs like marijuana or Ecstasy and should be classified as such in legal systems, according to a new British study.

In research published Friday in The Lancet magazine, Professor David Nutt of Britain's Bristol University and colleagues proposed a new framework for the classification of harmful substances, based on the actual risks posed to society. Their ranking listed alcohol and tobacco among the top 10 most dangerous substances.

Nutt and colleagues used three factors to determine the harm associated with any drug: the physical harm to the user, the drug's potential for addiction, and the impact on society of drug use. The researchers asked two groups of experts psychiatrists specializing in addiction and legal or police officials with scientific or medical expertise to assign scores to 20 different drugs, including heroin, cocaine, Ecstasy, amphetamines, and LSD.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The hand shake

---Has anyone taught Mr. Martin the secret Offmen handshake?---

The Constitution

The original draft of the United States Constitution contains nine spelling errors.

---Do you think The Constitution is a living, breathing document that can be changed or do you think it is what it is, something that is "set in stone", unchangeable and forever meant to be the same, as it is now?---

dirty politics

---Have any of you seen this thing? Its pretty funny.---


Earlier in March, an anonymously made pro-Barack Obama video spoofing the original 1984 Macintosh commercial appeared on YouTube depicting New York Senator Hillary Clinton as "big brother." On Wednesday, the video creator, Philip de Vellis, stepped forward, according to Yahoo! News.

Mr. de Vellis was a strategist with the political digital consulting company Blue State Digital, but resigned on Wednesday after discovering that the Huffington Post planned to reveal his identity. In a blog on the Huffington Post site, he explained why he created the video.

"I made the 'Vote Different' ad because I wanted to express my feelings about the Democratic primary, and because I wanted to show that an individual citizen can affect the process," he said. "There are thousands of other people who could have made this ad, and I guarantee that more ads like it--by people of all political persuasions--will follow."

Always look on the bright side of life....

Don't take life too seriously; you'll never get out of it alive.
-Elbert Hubbard

---It is a beautiful spring morning here! So plain and simple my friends, how many of you think you take life too seriously?---

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Disney and the black princess

(CNN) -- For generations, princesses in Walt Disney Co. films have captured the hearts of little girls dreaming of living happily ever after. In the past few years, fairytales' leading ladies have become increasingly diverse, and the Walt Disney Co. recently announced that Princess Maddy would be the studio's first black princess

---Does it really matter if this Disney princess is black, white, Native American, Asian or Latina? Whatever happened to reviewing if a film is any good based on the story, dialogue and/or action? After all, this is just an animated film. How is this newsworthy in the first place? There wasn't nearly as much press when Mulan, Pocahontas or Aladdin were released, all of which had main characters of color, so why should this be any different?---

In the middle of the night...

Well the first thunderstorm of spring just passed through and it woke me up and I cant get back to sleep now. Its 3:20 AM and Im sittin here sippin coffee.

I have to do laundry today and that sucks.

I love this time of night, when its only you and the vampires....makes me feel alive. That bring me to this next question, if you could be any kind of creature, what would you pick? Id be a werewolf. I am really drawn to their raw animal energy. Just being able to go out and kill at will sounds kinda fun if you are a creature of myth. I know, I know, most would pick a vampire because its all mysterious and sexy. If I were a werewolf, I could eat sexy vampires without a problem so take that!

I have an ingrown hair on the back of my leg thats really bothering me.

I gotta try to get back to sleep here soon, its too early to start the day. I cant do laundry right now, the laundry room is closed. Itd be nice to get a jump on that this early. Stupid apartment rules, no laundry after 10 or before 6.

Im gonna go listen to some Megadeth now. Dave Mustaine kicks ass.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Anger Management…by Music?

Any of you have a top ten for these special moments, when anger and access to your music collection magically come together? Here is mine, not in any order.

You Can’t Leave Now, Wire

Kerosene, Big Black

Sharks and Sailors, June of 44

Enemy of The People, Killdozer

Fuel My Fire, L7

Mommy Can I Go Out and Kill Tonight, The Misfits

Vanilla Blue, Naked Raygun

I Will Refuse, Pail Head

Almost Real, Rollins Band

Assimilate, Skinny Puppy

So this Idea came to me this morning while in a real funk about some nagging that had slid its way down the hill into my lap. I was in the gym running on the track thinking I should really have a top ten for these moments ready and waiting on my Ipod.

No wait I was also thinking of it as I almost got hit by some lady talking on a cell phone right in front of my house yesterday(she was passing me on my left as I attempted to make a simple left turn into my driveway, I guess she did not see my turn signal or realize we were on a residential street). WTF does it matter I am sure I am not the only one to suffer these moments when all reason seams in very short supply. This morning I was glad to at least have the track. I guess running while focusing on my angst was also quite therapeutic although now my legs hurt (I did three miles in 21 minutes).

Shortwave Connector, cEvin Key (My mood has improved)

Spring is here!

---Am Temp. 34
Feels like. 26
Skies. Sunny as can be.

As of 7:07 Central Time tonight, spring officially arrives. Good riddance winter! Thats all I really have to say this AM, not really in a talkative mood, I just wanted to share the spring thing with you guys.---

Monday, March 19, 2007

A pissed off punk rock god.

Last week, I told you about Jello Biafra's most recent dispute with his ex-bandmates in the Dead Kennedys. Jello is peeved about the band's decision to license "Too Drunk To Fuck" for use during a rape scene in the forthcoming film Grindhouse.

Biafra's rant caused a bit of controversy amongst DK fans as well as SG subscribers and, to be fair, both sides of the story warrant your attention. Here is the band's response to Jello:

(Another year, another misleading public claim by the ever striving for attention Jello Biafra. While we would have preferred not to jump back into the fray, we felt it was warranted to make a public response due to Jello publicly giving away key scene points and false information for a movie that Tarantino’s fans are eagerly awaiting.

In his statement, he included the preteen daughter of one of the other band members. His public comments show that he is more interested in casting himself as a martyr rather than having any regard for women's or children's rights. It also shows that he has no regard for the safety of a child. As usual, it's all about Jello.

Contrary to Jello claiming all the writing credit for himself, East Bay Ray, Klaus Flouride and D.H. Peligro also contributed to this song. Jello did not write “every note of that song," that was proven in a court of law, when he was found guilty of fraud, and strains credibility.

On a final note, JELLO is getting paid EXTREMELY WELL, and we challenge him to put his money where his mouth is and donate his share to a woman's cause, if he is truly concerned with the issue.)

Jello may have thrown the gauntlet, but it was picked up and tossed back with relative ease. I'm sure it won't be long before Biafra's rebuttal and both sides resume the bickering we've come to expect over the years. Jello, the ball's in your court

---I dont really have much to say about this except at one point, everyone has to sell out.---

Random Photo 03-19

Seen above Joe and my self standing in front of my old Doge Charger out on Lake Julia some time during winter of 1993. Joe and I drove out the on lake with intentions of doing some donuts on the ice, but the snow pack was to hard and rutted. I am not sure why we are whereing our snow goggles, I think we had been three wheeling earlier that day. Eventually we ran into my Mom and Dave who where out visiting neighbor’s ice fishing… Thanks for taking the photo mom. I think of Joe now and again and wonder if he is still such a lost soul? I only hope the best for him where ever he might be.

Muslims and bacon! OH NO!!!!

Customer service and faith clash at registers

Some Muslim cashiers at Target refuse to handle pork, setting off another debate over the place of religion in society.
Beryl Dsouza was late and in no mood for delays when she stopped at a Target store after work two weeks ago for milk, bread and bacon.

So Dsouza was taken aback when the cashier -- who had on the traditional headscarf, or hijab, worn by many Muslim women -- refused to swipe the bacon through the checkout scanner.

"She made me scan the bacon. Then she opened the bag and made me put it in the bag," said Dsouza, 53, of Minneapolis. "It made me wonder why this person took a job as a cashier."

In the latest example of religious beliefs creating tension in the workplace, some Muslims in the Twin Cities are adhering to a strict interpretation of the Qur'an that prohibits the handling of pork products.

Instead of swiping the items themselves, they are asking non-Muslim employees or shoppers to do it for them.

It remains unclear how many Muslim cashiers in the Twin Cities are declining to ring up pork sales.

---This really makes me angry. Lets say Im a devout Christian and I work at Target. Someone comes into my lane and wants to checkout. OK, no problem, Ill just ring them up and they will be on their way a satisfied customer. But wait, all of a sudden I notice that they want to purchase a racey novel with a half naked woman on the cover and I know that this novel happens to be based around consensual adultery. As a Chrsitian I am offended and I dont believe I should have to ring up such smut.

What would happen to me? Id be fired. They would find way to root me out of the way and fire me, plain and simple. Dont these damn Muslims understand that just maybe at a place like Target, something may come across their lap that they find offensive and they may just have to deal with it and move on....QUIETLY?

This was just on CNN too, so its not from some "far fetched" source either.---

White slaughter in Africa.

---I found this to be very disturbing and very interesting---

© 2004

While former South African President Nelson Mandela, 85, scoffs at rumors of ill health, plans are being made by the nation's Communist Party to slaughter all whites in the country upon his death, G2B sources say.

One of the operations planned entails 70,000 armed black men "being transported to the Johannesburg city center within an hour" in taxicabs to attack whites.

The plans are variously dubbed "Operation Vula," "Night of the Long Knives," "Operation White Clean-up," "Operation Iron Eagle" and "Red October campaign."

Operation "Our Rainy Day" was to be carried out after the death of Nelson Mandela and would have entailed blacks being transported to the largest cities in taxis.

The assailants were expected to "take over" fuel points and massacre whites. The attacks would lead to a coup.

Sources say most blacks in the country are aware of the plans. When racial disputes occur, blacks often tell whites, "Wait until Mandela dies.”

"White people in South Africa can deny it to the end of the earth, but we are in real danger," one resident said. "This is no joke and any person with half a brain can see that this rumor has spiraled out of control."

Many whites are now convinced a vicious campaign of ethnic cleansing will follow Mandela's death whenever it comes. Some are making preparations for retreats.

"I have prepared myself and we have a gathering place where we can fortify for four weeks after Mandela’s death," said one white South African. "If nothing happens it will be a miracle."

The Red October campaign is allegedly a Communist plot to oust President Thabo Mbeki. Mbeki would be replaced by Cyril Ramaphosa.

"I was starting to think I was going nuts!" said another white South Africa resident. "'Operation Uhuru' or 'Operation White Clean-up' is definitely no rumor. I spoke to someone who told me that some blacks in Zimbabwe have also confirmed that this 'event' will take place. My cousin stays on a farm in Mpumalanga, not too far from Johannesburg. A black police officer in that district told his white colleague that they are going to kill us like flies, and there is nothing we can do about it. And that they also don't care if we know."

Happiness is?

Happiness is not achieved by the conscious pursuit of happiness; it is generally the by-product of other activities......

Aldous Huxley

---So what makes you guys happy without having to think about it? And SEX does NOT count!---

Goodmorning world.

---AM Temp. 37
Feels like. 32
Skies. Mostly Sunny.

Theres a really bad cam shot of me @ 8 AM this morning. I figure I have a webcam and never use it so I dusted it off this morning for a quick capture of myself. I just love how its all pixeled a distorted, makes me happy I once dropped a hundred bucks on said webcam, really it does. Thats just the way it is with that thing.

How you be on this wonderful Monday morning? More to come later Im sure, I havent looked at news headlines yet.---

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Power drinkin.

---I can remember, in high school I wasnt mcuh of a drinker. PJ, Bob and myself were into other forms of recreational things to put it nicely. As I got a little older and inducted into the ranks of OMI, drinking wasnt a huge staple of life either. It wasnt until AFTER I turned 21 that things got nuts for me when it came to binge drinking and alocohol consumption. I got really bad when we used to hang out at Vertigo every week. That was when I would binge.

Heres a little article and commentary from

Saving the world from retiring countless drunken Irish jokes or rethinking well established stereotypes, the Irish have come forward as the world's leading binge drinkers.

The survey, conducted in October and November last year, found that almost one in five people between the ages of 15 and 24 drink five or more alcoholic beverages in one session...

EU spokesman Philip Tod said the EU poll, which questioned 28,584 people, defined binge drinking as when more than five alcoholic drinks are consumed in one sitting.

The poll found that 34% of Irish people questioned saying they "usually" binge drink, followed by Finland, where 27% of respondents said they did the same. Britain was third with 24% and Denmark fourth with 23%.

The idea of binge drinking here is a tricky subject. Is it really binge drinking if an Irish bloke goes to the pub after work spends the entirety of the evening there and drinks five drinks in one sitting of five hours? And if this were done regularly wouldn't the Irish binge drinkers develop a tolerance for alcohol which would force the scale of binge drinking to be a sliding one?

Plus, if you're 15 to 24 you have to binge drink. I mean 15 year-olds can't get home from a hard day of pointless education and pop open a cold one and tune out to the news. No you have to do all your drinking in quick bursts while your parents aren't looking and wondering how it reflects on them. Furthermore, college students are studying hard and thus are forced to do the entirety of their drinking in one night on the weekend, because the generation which preceded us ruined all jobs and significantly increased the length of the work week such that the only way to earn a decent salary is to sacrifice your entire life with the sole consolation being the occasional night of serious drinking.

All I am saying is that I think the Finns need to get with it.

In light of this, Saint Patrick's Day is saved, and thousands of Americans can celebrate by getting completely soused knowing that that's how Ireland would want their most famous Saint to be honored.

The Devil at church.

---Am Temp. 30
Feels like. 20
Skies. Partly Cloudy---

One Sunday morning, everyone in one bright, beautiful, tiny town got up early and went to the local church.

Before the services started, the townspeople were sitting in their pews and talking about their lives, their families, etc. Suddenly, Satan appeared at the front of the church. Everyone started screaming and running for the front entrance, trampling each other in a frantic effort to get away from evil incarnate.

Soon everyone was evacuated from the church, except for one elderly gentleman who sat calmly in his pew, not moving... seemingly oblivious to the fact that God's ultimate enemy was in his presence. Now this confused Satan a bit, so he walked up to the man and said, "Don't you know who I am?"

The man replied, "Yep, sure do."

Satan asked, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

"Nope, sure ain't," said the man.

Satan was a little perturbed at this and queried, "Why aren't you afraid of me?"

The man calmly replied, "Been married to your sister for over 48 years."

---Hah, cute one, no? I got a little laugh out of it. Last night I drove past one of the big so-called "Irish pubs" here and man, was it packed. As far as my eye could tell it was all kids, no one over say, 25. I thought to myself that I would definitely end up in a fight if I was in there. They had one big ass white tent set up outside and there were several party buses parked outside right next to it. No thanks.---

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Happy Saint Patricks Day!

---Am Temp. 32
Feels like. 24
Skies. Friggin Snowing

Its snowing here right now and it supposed to get up to 50 today. This weather is crazy. A few days ago it was 75 here!

Anyways, in honor of St. Patricks day I wanna share this wonderful poem, enjoy.

In the merry month of June from me home I started,
Left the girls of Tuam so sad and broken hearted,
Saluted father dear, kissed me darling mother,
Drank a pint of beer, me grief and tears to smother,
Then off to reap the corn, leave where I was born,
Cut a stout black thorn to banish ghosts and goblins;
Bought a pair of brogues rattling o'er the bogs
And fright'ning all the dogs on the rocky road to Dublin.
One, two, three four, five, Hunt the Hare and turn her down the rocky
road and all the way to Dublin, Whack follol de rah !

In Mullingar that night I rested limbs so weary, Started by daylight
next morning blithe and early, Took a drop of pure to keep me heartfrom sinking;
Thats a Paddy's cure whenever he's on drinking. See the lassies smile, laughing
all the while At me curious style, 'twould set your heart a bubblin'
Asked me was I hired, wages I required, I was almost tired of the
rocky road to Dublin.
One, two, three four, five, Hunt the Hare and turn her down the rocky
road and all the way to Dublin, Whack follol de rah !

In Dublin next arrived, I thought it be a pity
To be soon deprived a view of that fine city.
So then I took a stroll, all among the quality;
Me bundle it was stole, all in a neat locality.
Something crossed me mind, when I looked behind,
No bundle could I find upon me stick a wobblin'
Enquiring for the rogue, they said me Connaught brogue
Wasn't much in vogue on the rocky road to Dublin.
One, two, three four, five, Hunt the Hare and turn her down the rocky
road and all the way to Dublin, Whack follol de rah !

From there I got away, me spirits never falling,
Landed on the quay, just as the ship was sailing.
The Captain at me roared, said that no room had he;
When I jumped aboard, a cabin found for Paddy.
Down among the pigs, played some hearty rigs,
Danced some hearty jigs, the water round me bubbling;
When off Holyhead wished meself was dead,
Or better for instead on the rocky road to Dublin.
One, two, three four, five, Hunt the Hare and turn her down the rocky
road and all the way to Dublin, Whack follol de rah !

Well the bouys of Liverpool, when we safely landed,
Called meself a fool, I could no longer stand it.
Blood began to boil, temper I was losing;
Poor old Erin's Isle they began abusing.
"Hurrah me soul" says I, me Shillelagh I let fly.
Some Galway boys were nigh and saw I was a hobble in,
With a load "hurray !" joined in the affray.
We quitely cleared the way for the rocky road to Dublin.
One, two, three four, five, Hunt the Hare and turn her down the rocky
road and all the way to Dublin, Whack fol all the Ra !

Friday, March 16, 2007

Southern Pride!

---What do you guys think of this? From

Georgia State Senator Jeff Mullis has decided we should celebrate the greatness of the Confederacy by giving it an entire month. Mullis wrote a bill that would make April Confederate History and Heritage Month. The bill was passed with a unanimous vote in the Senate Rules Committee and will be sent to the full Senate for a vote.

The bill would honor the memory of the Confederacy and "all those millions of its citizens of various races and ethnic groups and religions who contributed in sundry and myriad ways to the cause of Southern Independence."

Terror alert level.

---From the Department of Homeland Security, here is our latest terror alert level.---

Firefox post

---Lets see if this works! If it does then Internet Explorer is to blame. PLease lemme know what you guys think. Mike M., do you have any idea why this would be happening?---

from another computer

---OK, lets see if this works. I have no idea as to why my p.c is being such a bitch over logging on and posting something.

I have been sick the past few days, major cold again which is no fun.

Ill keep this short, but I wanted to wish all you Irish out there a happy St. Patricks day. STAND UP and show your Irish pride!!!!---

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Like most of you I have ideas floating around in my head all the time and for the most part that is where they stay (just sitting there growing old and moldy). So from time to time I have decided to throw a few out there and share them, maybe some one can make good of them?

Here is one for this week.

1. A pinwheel size wind generator on top of every telephone pole in America? I can not imagine this concept would ever solve all of our energy needs. But how much of an impact could it make? Would this sort of network have a plausible effect on the overall grid? It would seem that the numbers are in favor of manufacturing such an item at a low cost. And In the face of opposition to new wind farms, think about it there are thousands and thousands of preexisting telephone poles crisscrossing our nation, would it be to much to ask them to multi task a little, I mean they are already just standing there holding wire?

The 03-13 Random Photo

A random photo pulled from the archive of Mike T, looking rather dapper in his tux! The inscription on the back reads; Scott, (peace sign) Well it’s my senior (spelled wrong) year! How does it feel being a “freshie” again? Stay cool & keep in touch! Peace Love and Rockets! Friends, Mike T

Well Mike, the inscription on the back made this pull from the archive a real pleasure!

looking to waste some time on the internet?

I am in love with all three of these Motor Cycles !!! They are all so dam sexy!

Blonde driving.

A blonde was swerving all over the road and driving very badly, so she got pulled over by a cop.
The cop walked up to her window and asked, "Miss, why are you driving so recklessly?"
The blonde said, "I'm sorry sir, but wherever I go, there's always a tree in front of me and I can't seem to get away from it!"
The cop looked at her and said, "Lady, that's your air freshener!"

---You guys got any other blonde jokes?---
---I th ink it took a huge amount of guts to do what this man did. I admire him for his personal conviction. Thats all Im gonna say....---

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A gay advocacy group demanded an apology Tuesday from the Pentagon's top general for calling homosexuality immoral.
In a newspaper interview Monday, Marine Gen. Peter Pace likened homosexuality to adultery and said the military should not condone it by allowing gays to serve openly in the military.
"General Pace's comments are outrageous, insensitive and disrespectful to the 65,000 lesbian and gay troops now serving in our armed forces," the advocacy group Servicemembers Legal Defense Network said in a statement on its Web site.
The group has represented some service members dismissed from the military for their sexual orientation.
Pace, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, made his remarks in an interview Monday with the Chicago Tribune. He was responding to a question about the "don't ask, don't tell" policy that allows gays and lesbians to serve if they keep their sexual orientation private and don't engage in homosexual acts.
Pace said he supports the policy, which prohibits commanders from asking about a person's sexual orientation. Over the years thousands have been dismissed under this policy, signed into law by President Clinton in 1994.
"I believe homosexual acts between two individuals are immoral and that we should not condone immoral acts," Pace said in the interview. "I do not believe the United States is well served by a policy that says it is OK to be immoral in any way."
Pace, a native of Brooklyn, New York, and a 1967 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, said he based his views on his upbringing.

Heat wave!

Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind.

John F. Kennedy

---AM Temp. 55
Skies. Friggin beautiful!

Well, its gonna get up to 75 here today so spring is in the air! Its nice to have shorts on. Its nice to be able to open up windows and be outside without a coat.

Its nice to be an Offmen and speakin of being an Offmen, are you guys ever gonna initiate Martin into the clan?

Monday, March 12, 2007

Dumbass mistake.

---OK, how many of you have dialed the wrong phone number and then felt like a total ass?---

COLBERT, Okla. Mar 12, 2007 (AP)— A woman looking for a cocaine dealer called a number on her son's cell phone only to discover later that she had phoned a police officer, authorities said. Ramona Williams, 42, was arrested on a drug complaint, Durant police Lt. Mike Woodruff said. Prosecutors were preparing charges Monday of possession of drugs with intent to distribute, he said.
Woodruff's number was on her son's cell phone because he had been arrested previously on drug charges.
"She was looking through her son's cell phone directory and found my number," Woodruff said. "Her son had told her that if she ever needed help with anything to give me a call. I think she misunderstood.

AM Joke.

On the road too long

A trucker who has been out on the road for two weeks stops at a brothel outside Melbourne. He walks straight up to the Madam, drops down $500 and says, "I want your ugliest woman and a devon sandwich!!" The Madam is astonished. "But sir, for that kind of money you could have one of my finest ladies and a three-course meal." The trucker replies, "Listen Darlin, I ain't horny, I'm homesick."

---AM Temp. 43
Feels like. 43 (woohoo, no wind chill!)
Skies. Clear

Its gonna get up to 70 here today, so spring cant be all that far off. My diet is going pretty well, Im finding myself living on salads, which is nice because I love salads. I found myself allowing one treat this weekend; a couple margaritas...very yummy!---

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Teens make child smoke weed.

---How sick does this story make you? It disgusts me.---

Coulter continuation...

---Here is an article from that more or less backs up the fact that, like most of us said, Coulter has to be outrageous in order to get media attention. I guess a lot of medi aoutlets are getting fed up with her form of expression.---

By DAVID BAUDER AP Television Writer
NEW YORK Mar 11, 2007 (AP)— Ann Coulter has been a reliable name for years among people who plan television news shows an attractive, articulate blonde conservative who's made a living lobbing verbal bombs.
Following her use of a gay slur about Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards this month during remarks to the Conservative Political Action Conference, some on TV are wondering whether her shelf life is expiring.
Many were angered by her use of the "f-word". Coulter later said she considered it a "schoolyard taunt." She said it was a joke about "Grey's Anatomy" actor Isaiah Washington saying he would seek counseling after using the word to refer to a fellow actor.
At least four daily newspapers have dropped Coulter as a columnist, citing her comment about Edwards.
Head-turning remarks are hardly anything new for the author of "Godless: The Church of Liberalism" and "How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must)." In "Godless" last year, she wrote of World Trade Center widows: "I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much."
"It's a world of `are you talking about me? are you talking about me?'" said Steve Friedman, executive producer of "The Early Show" on CBS. "And eventually you have to get more and more outrageous to be talked about. One day you cross the line and become persona non grata. I think she's getting close. I think Bill Maher is getting close."
If you are not criticized, you may not be doing much. -

Donald H. Rumsfeld

---AM Temp. 32
Feels like. 29
Skies. Um, still dark.

I agree with Rummy on his quote 100%, if ya aint catching shit, you may not bein doing so much. I hope ya'll remembered to set your clocks forward last night. Its weird being up this late and having it still be dark.---

What do you think?

I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.

---What do you think that quote means? Ill give ya 2 extra points if you can figure out who said it too.---

Saturday, March 10, 2007

What am I?

---AM Temp. 39
Feels like. 33
Skies. Partly Cloudy.

Goodmorning boys. I hope you all have a great weekend. Heres a little riddle for ya....---

A potato's key tool, I have all the power. I am generally used on the half or full hour. If my cells were deceased or lost or the such, My partner would only respond to your touch.

What am I?

Friday, March 09, 2007

The minister and Obama.

March 8, 2007 — At age 73, Minister Louis Farrakhan is watching one of the 2008 presidential candidates in particular with a keen eye: Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill.
"I like him very much. I like him, he has a fresh approach," the Nation of Islam's leader said. "And I'm fearful, because there's a structure in our government that no matter who sits in the seat of power, there are forces that one has to contend with if one is able to attract the masses of their votes. Barack Obama is doing quite well."
Farrakhan said that if Obama was avoiding controversial black leaders like himself, Rev. Al Sharpton, and Rev. Jesse Jackson for fear of alienating white voters it would be an acceptable price to pay for an Obama victory.
"If avoiding me would help him to become president, I'd be glad to stay in the background, because of the taint that's on the minister," he said.
But, he added, "I haven't made myself available to him … [and] he hasn't made himself available to me."

---I thought it was interesting to hear Farrakhan say that its OK to avoid certain black "leaders" in order to try to keep the white liberal vote. I didnt think he would say something like that. Do you think this forces Obama to sell himself short within his own community?---


I just found this on This will give some of us alittle light onto how The Minister has changed his views and ways.---

CHICAGO, Illinois (CNN) -- When I sat down with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, I was surprised by what I found: a softer, more conciliatory Farrakhan -- a man who says his battle with cancer has changed him in ways he'd never imagined.
He says he now wants to work together with all people and all religions to bring about peace in the world.
When I asked him what happened to the old Louis Farrakhan, he responded, "I was a warrior then, defending myself against people who called me a black Hitler. Now is a different climate. I've evolved."
It was quite the revelation for a man whose fiery rhetoric often stirred anger. He has been accused of anti-Semitism for his comments about Jews over the years, such as referring to "wicked Jews" in one speech.


If you really want something in life you have to work for it. Now quiet, they're about to announce the lottery numbers.
---Do any of you guys play the lottery or for that matter do you think you have to work for everydamnthing in life or are some of us lucky enough to have things handed to us?---

Diet day.

---AM Temp. 36
Feels like. 32
Skies. Rainy

Well, today I start my new diet. Im really gonna start watching what I eat and Im cutting out the junk almost all together. Im doing it for health reasons sure, but Im mainly doing it because Im sick of not being able to bend over to tie my shoes and do simple tasks like that! My daughter also calls me chubby which bothers me. I dont want her to see me like that, so unhealthy and out of shape. The meds I was on really did a number on me.

Wish me luck.---

Thursday, March 08, 2007


The Most ‘Inconvenient Truth’: According to U.N., Animals Raised for Food Generate More Greenhouse Gases Than All Cars and Trucks Combined
For Immediate Release:March 7, 2007

Norfolk, Va. — This morning, PETA sent a letter to former vice president Al Gore explaining to him that the best way to fight global warming is to go vegetarian and offering to cook him faux "fried chicken" as an introduction to meat-free meals. In its letter, PETA points out that Gore’s film, An Inconvenient Truth—which starkly outlines the potentially catastrophic effects of global warming and just won the Academy Award for "Best Documentary"—has failed to address the fact that the meat industry is the largest contributor to greenhouse-gas emissions.
In the letter, PETA points out the following:
· The effect that our meat addiction is having on the climate is truly staggering. In fact, in its recent report "Livestock’s Long Shadow—Environmental Issues and Options," the United Nations determined that raising animals for food generates more greenhouse gases than all the cars and trucks in the world combined.
· Researchers at the University of Chicago have determined that switching to a vegan diet is more effective in countering global warming than switching from a standard American car to a Toyota Prius.
PETA also reminds Gore that his critics love to question whether he practices what he preaches and suggests that by going vegetarian, he could cut down on his contribution to global warming and silence his critics at the same time.
"The single best thing that any of us can do to for our health, for animals, and for the environment is to go vegetarian," says PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk. "The best and easiest way for Mr. Gore to show his critics that he’s truly committed to fighting global warming is to kick his meat habit immediately."

---Send Al's meat supply my way, Ill eat it any day, I fucking love meat.---

speaking of racist comedy

this has been the topic of a recent post. so enjoy.
make sure you are in an adult enviroment.
its Lisa Laminelli, an italian woman comedian, who looks like a suburban soccer mom, but has a mouth like a drunken truck driver.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

FW FW Joke

It seems silly to post a joke sent as a FW FW, how ever this one sent by an old friend of mine seemed worthy.

The guys were all at deer camp. They had to bunk two to a room. No one wanted to room with Daryl because he snored so badly. They decided it wasn't fair to make one of them stay with him the whole time, so they voted to take turns. The first guy slept with Daryl and comes to breakfast the next morning with his hair a mess and his eyes all bloodshot. They said, "Man, what happened to you?" He said, "Daryl snored so loudly, I just sat up and watched him all night."

The next night it was a different guy's turn. In the morning, same thing--hair all standing up, eyes all blood-shot. They said, "Man, what happened to you? You look awful!" he said, "Man, that Daryl shakes the roof. I watched him all night."

The third night was Frank's turn. Frank was a big burly ex-football player; a man's man. The next morning he came to breakfast bright eyed and bushy tailed. "Good morning," he said. They couldn't believe it! They said, "Man, what happened?" He said, "Well, we got ready for bed. I went and tucked Daryl into bed and kissed him good night. He sat up and watched me all night long."

Friday, March 02, 2007

Not so random pics, 3/8/07

Here are a couple pics from my recent trip to Chicagoland when I saw Kris and Jen.

---AM Temp. 27
Feels like. 17
Skies. Sunny.

Can you believe there are under 1,000 posts on this blog? At the rate we post, myself included, I thought there would have been a lot more than that!

So, what are you looking forward to most about spring? I bet Scott and PJ are looking forward to getting out their bikes again without the burden of winter hanging over them. Im looking forward to longer walks after dinner and the scent of fresh dirt, I love that smell.---

Eternal question

I don't want to achieve immortality through my work... I want to achieve it through not dying.

Woody Allen

---My question to you is simple...If you could, would you wanna live forever?---

Odd riddle.

What is 3/7 Chicken, 2/3 cat and 1/2 goat?

---AM Temp. 23
Feels like. 12
Skies. Sunny

This riddle totally through me off. I let it sit here on my screen for a couple hours thinking about it before I finally looked at the answer and immediatley went "oh duh" as soon as I saw the answer. It was kinda obvious to me once it was revealed.

Have a good day my brothers.---

---EDIT. Ive noticed over the past few days that all my posts are registering in at 1058 AM. IM not sure what is causing this problem.---
---PM Temp. 30
feels like. 20
Skies. Sunny

Pretty boring Monday here, not much to talk about. Found this news piece on Ann Coulter. She makes Republicans look really, really bad IMO.

By TAHMAN BRADLEY, Political Unit
March 5, 2007 — Conservative bomb thrower Ann Coulter's lashing of 2008 Democratic presidential hopeful former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina over the weekend has created a firestorm with Democrats and Republicans alike rejecting her remarks.
At the Conservative Political Action Conference, an annual gathering of grass-roots conservative activists, Coulter, a best-selling author, referred to him using a disparaging word for a male homosexual.
"I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot,' so I — so kind of an impasse, can't really talk about Edwards," Coulter said Friday at the gathering in Washington, D.C.
Later in the day, Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, wasted no time in pouncing on Coulter's remarks and calling for the Republican presidential field — many of whom were on hand to address the conference — to denounce Coulter's words.

Paul Barker speaks out.

---OK, so its a little long, but Ive always enjoyed reading musician interviews. I found this on Suicidegirls, it reads really fast. It was pretty cool to hear from the quiet one from Minstry for once. These guys are still rockin out!!!---

By Daniel Robert Epstein

If Al Jourgensen is the High Priest of Ministry then Paul Barker calls himself the sacrificial lamb. I would disagree because I've seen Ministry in concert and Barker is just as nuts. But Jourgensen supposedly once drank puke. I couldn't see Barker doing that. I think he would rather sit on his porch drinking lemonade but then when a door to door salesman shows up he whips out his shotgun and blows the fucking guy's head off. Anyway I've been reading the boards of SG lately and let me tell you people something, buy Ministry's Animositisomina or I'll blow your fucking head off.Check out Ministry's website.Daniel Robert Epstein: You ready?Paul Barker: Yeah just waiting for some coffee to brew. I'm in beautiful Tampa right now.
What made you guys decide to include liner notes for the first time? I thought one of the fun things about Ministry is trying to decipher the lyrics.
Al [Jourgensen] decided when we were putting it together that he enjoyed the lyrics and why don't we just put them in. I said it wasn't a problem. Its kind of precedent setting for us.
Does this mean you guys are going commercial?
[laughs] That's exactly what it means.
I heard you wanted to put lyrics to the music on that last track [Leper].
What happened was that when we were working on the song. Al was singing along a vocal line I thought was totally badass then he decided he didn't want to do it, so that's I, but I still think it's awesome. [turns away for a minute talking to someone else]
What's happening down there?
Just talking to Al.
That's so cool. What made you decide to cover The Light Pours Out Of Me [by Magazine]?
We used to play that song in 88, 89 as a live song. We love that band and it was an encore song for us. Al had a bootleg of one of our shows which had that on it. The sound quality was so terrible and he wanted to redo it for real so we did.
I was reading some stuff about you guys and some fans and even some critics say Ministry was better when you guys were doing drugs. How do you respond to something like that?
Fuck you [laughs], everybody is a critic. If you don't like what we are doing then do it yourself. What do you say to that? We have lives now. Go listen to Korn. Not Korn, what's the lamest? Linkin Park. Go listen to them.
How is it playing the music sober?
It's hard to be objective about it. It is what it is. This is where we are now that's where we were then. It's important to us to get it together and have fun with it. I suppose in a word it's great. We're different people now than we were five years ago.
So you're having more fun now?
Fuck yeah.
Have you and Al fixed the problems you had?
For the most part.
I read that Al says you and he are very different people.
We're not altogether different.
Is the band the major link?
I suppose so. We're good friends in spite of that. It is a co-creative endeavor.
People call Al the high priest. What does that make you?
[laughs] I don't know, the sacrificial lamb?
What was it like being in the Steven Spielberg movie A.I.? A lot of people thought you guys were really selling out until they actually saw the movie.
Well my impression of the movie was that it was more of a Spielberg movie than a Kubrick film. For the scene we ended up being in we saw some rushes and storyboards. It's all fairly accurate to what Kubrick had in his brain. To me the teddy bear is still a fucking teddy bear.
I wanted to see the teddy bear start singing and dancing to pop songs.
That is basically what it did right? It's cool though. I'm happy that the movie was long, slow, difficult and that lots of people didn't like it. I love that.
It's like a lot of your songs.
Yeah sometimes.
What inspired the new album?
Knowing that we had some music that we had to get out there. It's weird because who knows? Why does anyone do anything creative? In some ways it's just what we do. We feel we still have something to say and that's why we are doing it.
How is your live audience different now?
Well the cool thing is that there are lots of kids in the audience. We're really happy to see that. There are less people in the audience but it's the same type of person.
Anymore live albums in the works?
There was the Sphinctour DVD that came out two years ago. We're doing some recordings here and there.
What do you think of your Goth fans?
Those guys are great. I'm happy that they're coming to see us.
Have you ever slept with a Goth girl?
I suppose years ago. Do Siouxsie and the Banshees fans from 20 years ago count? I don't know if that's pre-Goth. Is Goth a registered trademark?
I think we're trying to.
[laughs] Someone has to.
What's pissing you off right now?
Oh just practical things. Certainly our Commander In Chief and his cronies.
What's the last crazy thing you and Al did outside of music?
I suppose going into Juarez, Mexico, hanging out then getting lost and fearing for our lives. There are some pretty rough parts there. by Daniel Robert Epstein

Just a political ploy?

March 4, 2007, 9:32 am
Obama and Clinton in Selma
By Jeff Zeleny
SELMA, Ala. – The center of the political universe – the clichéd locale that often pivots between Iowa and New Hampshire during a presidential race – can be found here today along a three-block stretch of Martin Luther King Jr. Street.
Senator Barack Obama and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, who often avoid crossing paths, will be practically within earshot of each other as they deliver speeches at neighboring churches. And they are expected to be seen together as they march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge, reenacting a defining moment of the civil rights movement.
Before noon today, Mrs. Clinton is speaking at First Baptist Church, 709 Martin Luther King Jr. St. And Mr. Obama is speaking at the historic Brown Chapel, 410 Martin Luther King Jr. St.

---I feel this is nothing more than a feel good situation for Clinton. I can honestly understand Obama wanting to be there since he is half black, but Clinton, come on.....but dont get me wrong, Id go off on W. if he did the same thing.---

Im easy like Sunday morning.

My grandfather once told me that there were two kinds of people: those who do the work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group; there was much less competition.

Indira Gandhi

---AM temp. 19
Feels like. 8
Skies. Sunny

Spent the night with the kid last night, all went well. The ex and I are getting along so well, it makes me very happy.

Sundays are always easy and lazy, gotta love it.---

Saturday morning joke.

---AM Temp. 16
Feels like. -1
Skies. Sunny---

Sexual Olympics

A man went over to his girl's place for a little bit of nookie between the sheets. He presented her with three choices of condom -- gold, silver, or bronze.
"Silver," she said.
"Why not gold?"
"Because I want you to come second for once!"

---Haha. Well, the blizzard here is over and Im glad. We had winds in excess of 45 MPH for a couple of days. Its nice to have the sun out this AM even though its pretty darn chilly. I had a terrible time sleeping last night, so Im kinda tired and I woke up with a huge zit on the side of my nose that wasnt there last night when I went to bed. Im sure you wanted to know that.---

Jumping ship

---I have a question for anyone that knows the answer. Im looking in your direction Mark M. and Mike M.

Once elected to office, can a politician change political parties?---

Conservatives still after McCain.

---In one of my previous posts, we all talked about McCain and how he is looked at as not being conservative enough, now here is another article from saying the same thing. As Mike M. had metioned in a previous reply somewhere else, R. Giuliani is also "left" on some of his political takings, but you just dont hear much about him in the media.....---

By Bill SchneiderCNN Senior Political Analyst

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. John McCain and the conservatives -- it's been an on-again, off-again affair.
It wasn't so much what the Arizona Republican said when he announced his candidacy for president of the United States on Wednesday night, It's where he said it -- on "Late Show with David Letterman.''
McCain seemed to be trying to say, "I'm still a maverick. Just like in 2000." (Watch McCain announce his candidacy on Letterman )
But is he? McCain has repaired his relationship with President Bush. He's signed on key Bush campaign staffers. He's raising money from Bush supporters. He's made up with leaders of the religious right he once called "agents of intolerance."
And he's showcasing his conservative credentials. During a February meeting in Orlando of the National Religious Broadcasters, McCain said, "I have always been in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade."
Then why Letterman? And why is he the only major Republican candidate to reject an invitation to speak to CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, this week in Washington?
Conservative activists feel dissed.
"This is saying: these 6,000 people, and whatever they represent, you know, you're really not somebody that I have to pay attention to," said David Keene of the American Conservative Union.

Thats pretty low.

The Gallop Poll reported that the most recent presidential approval rating for George W. Bush is now at the same level as it was for Richard Nixon in the last poll before his resignation.

---My question to you is, do you think President W. will go down in flames as the worst President in all of US history? I think there is a real good chance he will.---
"I have said that the sanction regime is like Swiss cheese -- that meant that they weren't very effective. "
--George w. Bush 02/22/2001during a White House press conference

---AM temp. 25
Feels like. 19
Skies. Blizzard like

We are under a blizzard warning until 6 PM tonight so needless to say its pretty nasty out there. Im glad the Sen. McCain post got people talking yesterday, it will be a very good run for the White House this coming election term. We lost out internet and phone yesterday due to the storm for about 7 hours which sucked. It came back on late last night.

I hope you guys have a good weekend. Whats the weather supposed to be like there? By next Wednesday, its supposed to be 50 here. Spring is near, I can feel it.---

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Web Candy!

Found this random bit of fun by pressing the dice button on Yoono. I think the lighting on the animation matches the scene rather well.

McCain is in.

---I dont like him, wouldnt vote for him, but I just thought Id pass this along.---

WASHINGTON -- Apparently believing that what's good once is even better twice, Republican Sen. John McCain announced his candidacy for president during a TV appearance, and then announced he will announce his candidacy again next month.
Seeking maximum exposure for his bid, McCain, 70, confirmed in a pre-taped interview on CBS' "Late Show With David Letterman" aired late Wednesday what has been clear for at least a year or more _ that he's running hard for the 2008 Republican nomination.

In this image taken from video and released by CBS, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz, left, speaks with host David Letterman on the set of "The Late Show with David Letterman," in New York, Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2007. McCain told Letterman: "The last time we were on this program, I'm sure you remember everything very clearly that we say, but you asked me if I would come back on this show if I was going to announce. ... I am announcing that I will be a candidate for president of the United States."

Thursday morning blah de blah.

"I've been on a calendar but I have never been on time."

Marilyn Monroe

---AM Temp. 34
Feels like. 23
Skies. Heavy rain

---Well, we are under a blizzard warning until 6 PM Friday. Its raining right now but it is supoosed to switch over to all snow at any given time and then we are supposed to get 6 to 12 inches.

I am still anxious to see some replies to the "3 people you could have coffee with" post. Scott, thanks again for posting your vaca. pics, it looks like it was something you'll never forget. It was nice to see you looking so good and happy.

I dont think I will be going anywhere today with this weather system rolling in. Its time to continue archiving all my pics and music on my p.c. If I find any news around the WWW, Ill post a story or two soon....---