Monday, March 19, 2007

A pissed off punk rock god.

Last week, I told you about Jello Biafra's most recent dispute with his ex-bandmates in the Dead Kennedys. Jello is peeved about the band's decision to license "Too Drunk To Fuck" for use during a rape scene in the forthcoming film Grindhouse.

Biafra's rant caused a bit of controversy amongst DK fans as well as SG subscribers and, to be fair, both sides of the story warrant your attention. Here is the band's response to Jello:

(Another year, another misleading public claim by the ever striving for attention Jello Biafra. While we would have preferred not to jump back into the fray, we felt it was warranted to make a public response due to Jello publicly giving away key scene points and false information for a movie that Tarantino’s fans are eagerly awaiting.

In his statement, he included the preteen daughter of one of the other band members. His public comments show that he is more interested in casting himself as a martyr rather than having any regard for women's or children's rights. It also shows that he has no regard for the safety of a child. As usual, it's all about Jello.

Contrary to Jello claiming all the writing credit for himself, East Bay Ray, Klaus Flouride and D.H. Peligro also contributed to this song. Jello did not write “every note of that song," that was proven in a court of law, when he was found guilty of fraud, and strains credibility.

On a final note, JELLO is getting paid EXTREMELY WELL, and we challenge him to put his money where his mouth is and donate his share to a woman's cause, if he is truly concerned with the issue.)

Jello may have thrown the gauntlet, but it was picked up and tossed back with relative ease. I'm sure it won't be long before Biafra's rebuttal and both sides resume the bickering we've come to expect over the years. Jello, the ball's in your court

---I dont really have much to say about this except at one point, everyone has to sell out.---


dad-e~O said...

I love the DK, and Jello

Sickboy said...

I dont think Id agree with many of Jello's political viewpoints, but the DK are legends that cant be over looked.

Michael said...

Jello is awesome!