Friday, December 14, 2007

Avas Christmas Pageant

---Did I spell pageant right? Anyways, I just got home from watching and her pre school put on a pretty damn cute Christmas show. Ava, of course stole the show, she sang her very own solo of Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer, and nailed it perfectly, even with her red nose and antlers on! I was a little emotional, but c'mon cut me some slack, Ive been through a lot over the past month.

Shes gettin so big. Before I know it she'll be in school, then Ill be really freaked out!

So, what did you get your special lady for Christmas? What would you like or what do you think youre getting? My mom has about 5 things for me, no clue what they are, Im kinda excited! I THINK one of them is that FLY Fusion pentop computer, you know, youve seen the add for it for teens. Its a pen but its kinda like a little data holder, you can write with it on paper, then it "saves" all youve written to its little memory and then you can DL as written data to your computer when you get home. Ive been doing a lot of writing lately and I cant get a laptop, nor do I want one, so this little computer like pen may come in handy for me, especially for therapy sessions. Besides that possibility, I have no idea what I may be getting.

Gotta send props to PJB for coming to the blog and helping me feel like Im not the only one out there. I KNOW, I KNOW you motherfuckers get busy with life, but I know PJ is super busy with life, thats why I wanted to give him extra props to breathing some life back into the blog by following up on some of my small talk. Thanks Brother.

Well, thats all from the frozen tundra of Iowa for now, time for bed soon, but first I havta go out in minus 2 degree weather like a fucktard and smoke. Yep, Im a certifiable fucktard.---


Scott said...

A fucktard eh? Hmm, Well where is all this writing you have been doing, why have you not been sharing? All I see is cut and paste from some one else's words followed by a small unquantifiable opinion from E. I know you want to write Eric! So com on, lets see it! Spread your fucking wings and fly!!!!!!!

On a positive note I know you write well, I have seen some remarkable work from you hand, and I am just mystified why I am not seeing more of it!

Scott said...

I digress, Five out of thirteen posts in the last few weeks have been of your own hand (all be it short). how ever what I am getting at is; as a writer I am surprised to not see volumes (most of them happily crap) from the creative source. No doubt the creative prosses in writing is very similare to my own profession Industrial Design, and countles others; painting, song writing sculpting, fashion design etc...

Sickboy said...

hey bud! Yeah, I see what ya mean. I have been doing some, not tons of writing as of late and I should share it with you guys more often and I think I will even if it is just in blog form where Im rambling on and on about life and its happenings.

Like my writings have said, Im fearing Christmas to be rather sad here, got all my shoppin done and Im spending a lot of time with the kid again.

Right now we have snow flurries, which I dont mind and Im drinking a semi cold cup of java which is really not doing it for me at all.

I will be re-personalizing my blogs again if you wish, I have fun doing that in all actuality....

how are you?

Sickboy said...

and thank you for the wonderful compliments Scott. I should start writing large amounts again soon, but with the recent passing of Den, I havent had the passion to do much with it.

I have tons of old stuff though.

I am gonna try to come up with more personal blogs rather than the cut and paste bullshit unless it something very intriguing, otherwise Ill walk away from it for a while and just blog personal, everyday life, thats a lot more fun anyways.

dad-e~O said...

Speaking of growing up, wait until your kids start talking back, and actually win arguments....
Max is smart as a whip.
Today the boys got haircuts, most of the kids are wearing their hair long, which as a rule I don't have a huge problem with. but. if they act like jackasses, and have long hair people assume their jackasses. but if they act like jackasses and have short hair, people assume their having a bad day.

dad-e~O said...

my new Mantra at home:
Do they hate me cause I yell, or do I yell cause they hate me....
not to say I'm yelling all the time, but they are at that age where they are trying to assert their independence, again, not a huge problem for me, but they still need to understand that Mom and I WILL get their respect.

Sickboy said...

yeah, Ava will be 5 next month and she already displays a little lip now and then.

Sickboy said...

by the way, PJ, the comments you made about your kids hair friggin cracked me up.