Saturday, December 29, 2007

Happy Saturday!!

---Well, in a little while, we will be meeting with the home owners to fill out an application and talk to them about renting that house we would love to have. Im pretty anxious. Its not as cold here this AM as I thought it would be, but I just caught a second of the news and could swear that the weather chick said the high temp. on New Years Day is gonna be 12. 12 is no fun. Screw 12. This is when things get hard for me...I cannot stand the heat of summer anymore, BUT 12???? Im sure with the wind chill it will be well below zero.

Have any of you seen the commercial for that new drug that fills the receptors in your brain so that you dont crave nicotine as much? I think it may be something I may try sometime down the road here. Its cool cuz its just a pill and if you mess up and smoke, there is no danger like with the patch. Im really worried cuz Im back down to my ideal weight of 160 and I dont want quitting smoking to make me gain a bunch of weight back.

So, whats this weekend look like for you? It will be child madness for me today down at the ex's shop which annoys the hell out of me. Not the kid, the customers. Ava will take off and start talking to customers in the shop which is fine, shes very out going and rather talkative, I have no problem with that. But its when the customers get down to her level and talk to her is when I get protective. I think "Lady (or Mister), you lay one finger on that kid and I will put you through that plate glass window without giving it a 2nd thought." Thats cool, call me over protective, I dont mind. Ive only had one thing like that happen down there at her shop that was somewhat close to that and Im glad my ex never saw it because it would have freaked her out. Hell, it freaked me out, but it put me in protective mode right away. Im very over protective of my ex and the kid, which I guess is good and bad.

Well boys, have a great weekend, keep warm and remember to hold your friends close but your enemies closer.---


dad-e~O said...

you guys should look at a house about 300 miles south of where you are, not much hotter, but it doesn't get quiet as cold.
I hear it barely snows in Southern IL.

Sickboy said...

yeah and then Id never see my kid.

dad-e~O said...

that'd be lame

Scott said...

Sounds like your ex has an interesting business. Hope all went well.

Sickboy said...

My ex is the hardest working person I have ever net.