Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Holiday Wrap up, get it...wrap up, haha......

---So, I expect a full report from you guys over the next couple of days as to what you got for Christmas! I got some Obsession cologne, a couple new Dickies work shirts that I love to wear, but the best gift of all I opened last.

I looked on the wrapper and it said To: Eric From: Den.....It was a book that he noticed I had wanted and he had remembered and bought it for me before he got sick and died. Yeah, very special, lots of tears.

We were gonna go out for breakfast but my Mom was up most of the night due to loneliness, she misses her companion, so we just stayed here and ate.

I got my Mom and cool bracelet, a new top,a new perfume and a few other small things for the kitchen.

Tomorrow we are gonna call the owners of that house we want to see whats up, Ill keep you all posted.

So, what cha get?---


dad-e~O said...

It has been a longstanding tradtion (sort of joke) that Mom gave me a blue shirt (different colors for the brothers) of some sort every year. Tif kept that tradition alive this year.
And I got some nice Jammies..

Sickboy said...

Jammies are always welcomed, especially when its like 20 below outside, they just feel good.