Thursday, December 27, 2007

my stance

---I took the post down so this doesnt become a 3 ring circus. That joke was originally forwarded to me from one of my other internet pallys.

But yeah, if certain people here find my political views as "offensive" they best just look the other way then cuz I will not stop my own political view points. Ill keep em clean and "racist" free, but Im not gonna stop talkin politics when it comes up.

but when I say politics it goes a lot farther than a bunch of nimrods we vote into office. Over the years now, I have become a very opinionated person. Im not saying Im right nor wrong, but I stand behind my principles. Im pretty strong willed after what Ive gone through in life and I think my morals play a part of that too.

That "joke" I posted here had no racial ramifications, you guys are the ones that were so quick to put a label on it. The joke doesn't state who is being made fun of.

At the very least, I thought Id get a reply asking where it came from and how I was doing, considering things around here are friggin crazy nuts since Den died but nope, play that race card.

You guys wouldn't have given 2 shits if the joke was something like "Hey if you wanna keep the Irish out of your pub, when you see them coming, hide the Guiness, and bring out the PBR.

Im not a racist and I take offense to being called one. One of the closest friends here is Jewish, for example. Plus do you think I want my daughter to grow up in a home with that kind of judge mental energy? Just because Im a right winger doesnt mean Im a hate monger and I would never teach Ava to be one. The poor kids gonna hear it from both sides anyways when shes old enough, Im on the right and the ex is a bleeding heart liberal.


dad-e~O said...

I debated with myself for a good 12 hours, trying to figure out a way to word a response to your joke without sounding like I was coming down on you. or just to let it ride.
In the end I decided on the response I posted. Perhaps not as well worded as I would have liked, and it certainly didn't have the response I expected.
My intention was not so much to make you upset, but to share with you how your joke effected me.

Your right, that there was no race specified in the Joke. but it was certainly implied, but I beg to differ on your point about the Irish Joke. I think it would have gone over about as well.

your also right in saying, you have every right to post whatever you want in this forum. and I/we can choose to respond or ignore as we see fit. What is good for the goose should be good for the gander. What is the point in posting if it doesn't start a dialoge?

Our organization (using the term loosely) has always been about differing points of view choosing to share our common bonds.
I'm not trying to get you to stop posting political commentary. but getting mad at me if my views differ from yours?!?! that hardly seems fair.
I too have had a pretty full life, with admitedly very different set of experiences then yours. And I too am pretty strong willed.

As i mentioned, my intention was not to hurt your feelings, but to share with you how you were hurting mine.

Sickboy said...

I see where youre coming from PJB, I just didnt think that joke was all that bad, but I guess it was.

Sickboy said...

I will step up and do what should be done....Im sorry if that joke really got to ya PJ.

I mean it, I am sorry.

I will more than likely continue to search the internet for political stuff, but maybe then my opinion will remain unspoken.

Sometimes it is hard PJ to find good stories that'll get us chattin it up here on the blog

but yeah, PJB, Im sorry and I should have known better going into that joke that something wasnt right.

dad-e~O said...

it's not a matter of leaving your opinion unspoken, it's a matter of keeping you audience in mind. I'm sure that there are plenty of people who would find that joke funny. if it's meant as a joke.
here's an example:
what’s smug and deserves to be decapitated?
Matthew Parris: My Week

A festive custom we could do worse than foster would be stringing piano wire across country lanes to decapitate cyclists. It’s not just the Lycra, though Heaven knows this atrocity alone should be a capital offence; nor the helmets, though these ludicrous items of headgear are designed to protect the only part of a cyclist that is not usefully employed; nor the self-righteousness, though a small band of sports cyclists on winter’s morning emits more of that than a cathedral at evensong; nor even the brutish disregard for all other road users, though the lynching of a cyclist by a mob of mothers with pushchairs would be a joy to witness.

No, yet another cyclist-generated horror – and a new one – has come to my attention this Christmas. They’re chucking their empty cans of hi-energy drinks into hedgerows as they pass.

this would be funny to alot of people, but post it on and it falls sorta flat.
I appreaciate your appology, and consider it accepted.
no repost my joke, it was funny...

Scott said...

I am certain that I do not have the time or energy to put to words better than those of PJ. However I would like to add that I have a great appreciation for all the time and energy E puts into this Blog. I for one am thankful to have some one within our limited social confines that has the time to really keep things new, fresh, and simply going. All good things aside though, I hope that E could recognize that because of all his efforts he has made him self into a voice for our club, and that we as a loose nit group have historical roots that are very sensitive to racial and cultural prejudice. I think aside from a real love of music, that we as a group could agree most upon this topic. In defense of my comment made earlier, to the E’s deleted post, it was simply my intention to show E that his voice on this Blog goes beyond that of an individual and more so as a steward off the Offmen. Weather or not he is or was aware of this I don’t know, I can only hope he welcomes it.

dad-e~O said...

thanks Scott, for the clarification.
It's kind of like pictures of naked women, I like pictures of naked women, probably more then I should. but we decided early on that this is not the forum for us to share porn...

Sickboy said...

I understand where ya'll are coming from. But, in no way, nor at any time did I say or hint towards wanting or needing to be the spokesperson for OMI and our blog.

We have a Grand Poobah for that, that is obviously too busy to take 3 to 5 mins. out of his life once every couple of weeks to drop in. This frustrates me.

I enjoy keepin this blog afloat and yes, I pat myself on the back for it because Ive done that. I do have the time (in most cases) to take the time to blog about my day(s) or find a good newsbit to post. And you have NO IDEA how happy I get when one of you guys, be it you PJ, or Scott or whomever drops in to reply to my work, it makes me feel worth while and needed.

I will HONESTLY give it a go to keep the SUPER controversial postings off the board, they do no good except to divide us as a brotherhood and that aint cool. Ill dig up stuff that we can all agree or disagree on that doesnt put peoples private morals or ideals in question unless it is needed. Sometimes I get too passionate, but that is also one of my strong points too. Yeah, I now know the "joke" I posted was in stupid ass bad taste and that I prolly shouldnt bring up illegals here on the board unless its something huge because Im just gonna get all mouthy and pissed off. I will do more illegal talk unless its something stellar, cool? You guys didnt censor me, I chose to do it to myself.

We can keep our arguments friendly I think, but I love it more when we all stand in unison and agree, THATS when the brotherhood is in full effect yo!

I still love you guyses.