Friday, December 28, 2007

Morning blah de blah

---Hiya fellas! Thanks for being so understanding concerning my bad tastes in jokes. We got the white stuff fallin here right now, about an inch or two, nothing major. I think you guys are due for some snow today too, am I right?

Things here are alright. I like going outside to smoke in the snow, it makes everything so quiet. I grabbed a small little book my ex was reading from her house and I find it to be hysterical. Its called Bad Cat. 244 not-so-pretty kitties and cats gone bad, by Jim Edgar. Its just pics of cats with silly expressions on their faces with really funny captions. Also listed is the cats age and what its personal hobby is. Kinda funny. You know, its one of those little useless bathroom books.

My latest tattoo work is healing up nicely and is itching like a bitch. We still have not heard from the owners of that house we want, they must be really busy or on vacation. The lady said they were gonna be super busy around the holidays and not to fret.

So. What are you boys gonna do for New Years eve? You going out or playin it safe and staying in? Ill be with my kid and the ex. All will be good. I gotta get a good pic of her on this new computer so I can show you guys what she looks like nowadays, shes gettin so big. She'll be 5 in just 10 days.

I noticed Ministry is coming back to Chicago in May or some time around that. 44 damn dollars a ticket! Al must be high. Id never pay that much to see them. There is almost no band Id pay that much to see. Im glad Im not into that kind of music anymore....

So yeah, let me know what you guys are gonna do for New Years eve.....

Next week, this city will be put on the map of the World for a short time with the caucus coming up. It really does get crazy here.---

---UPDATE on new home! The owners just contacted us and we are meeting with them tomorrow morning to fill out an app. and all that good stuff!!!---


dad-e~O said...

we are going to keep it pretty calm here. we have to come in early to the shop the next day to do inventory.
Are you voting in the cuacus? I always forget to vote in the primary. I'm registered as a republican (i think) And I always tell myself the primarys are more important then the "real" vote, since in the primary they actually count votes, not the electoral collage. and it gives us an opportunty to weed out the freaks.

dad-e~O said...

Have you seen:
it's pretty damn funny
and I'm not a cat lover.

Sickboy said...

Yeah, Ill get in on the Caucus man. Gotta do whatever I can to keep those damn Democrats in line.

I have seen that site, but I like a lot better, that stuff is pretty funny.

Sickboy said...

its interesting, Barack Obama's wife bought a dress from my ex's vintage store a few weeks ago, Ive seen pics of her wearing it.

Now shes hoping to get Hillary to stop in cuz the Democratic Caucus site is right across the street from her shop. I told her if Im there and Hillary shows up, Im not shaking her hand, either that or Im going into the back room and hide.

dad-e~O said...

Jesse Jackson Junior used to eat in the Restaurant every now and then. That was kinda wierd, cause I don't really care for his politics, but he's a nice guy.

Sickboy said...

sorry, its