Saturday, December 22, 2007

Winter woes

---So here I am, its Sat. morning and we are due to get nailed by a pretty good sized snow storm within the next couple of hours so it will be a white Christmas here. Its flippin cold too, wind chill is 11.

Well, I went and got my left arm sleeve worked on some more the other day, no pics yet, I dont own a digi cam. and last night when I went over to the exs' place, she had left her digi cam. at her shop. Its pretty sweet and Im pretty sore, but I did get to implement Social Distortion's infamous mascot "Skelly" into the the piece in a very non traditional way, so Im happy about that.

My ex and kid will be heading up to Northern IA. tomorrow morning due to the weather today. They will be celebrating the holidays with her mom and dad. Her dad has pancreatic cancer, so the time spent there is huge. Hes doing pretty damn good right now though, which is wonderful. I wont get to do Christmas with my kid until prolly next Weds. or Thus.

I rented a couple mindless, slack jawed movies to watch this weekend...The Simpsons and Knocked Up. Im not looking forward to seeing either of them but I needed something to do with the kid gone and a nasty storm headed this way.

Hows things with you guys? PJB, I see you keep gettin new stock in all the time so things must be going well which makes me very happy for you. Youll be in my heart and on my mind this holiday too and we both know why. I havent seen Scott around here for a while, nor has Steve or Mr. Martin stopped in to reply or post anything.

Im getting better and better with dealing with the loss of Den everyday. Ill admit, I cant watch death scenes or funerals on TV yet, but thats fine. Still fearing Christmas. But some shit went down when he died and we may have some serious retribution coming our way after its all said and done. One of his neurologists fucked up big time on some things.....

The blog is kinda dead, but its the holidays, but still gotta give props for PJ for stoppin in and commenting recently.---


dad-e~O said...

simpsons movie was the best!!.
I eagerly lookforward to watching it again.

Sickboy said...

I just rented it today, gonna watch it tomorrow!!!

Scott said...

Hey E, or Sickboy, or Tipster, or Eric.... you have so many alias's I cant imagine any one by PJ I and I realy know who is doing all of these posts.

It's great to see some real writing out of you. I was really able to relate to your emotional state when you talked about renting a few movies you were only half interested in seeing. Not that I get to watch any movies lately, only when the rare chance arises I am often thinking wow all these choices suck!

No snow here yet, just muddy. I am hoping to get some fresh white stuff for Christmas. I spent the day with my son making holiday cookies, it was a nice diversion from the usual.

Sickboy said...

sounds nice Scott, good to hear from you! Yeah, we ended up with about 5 inches and some killer drifts!

dad-e~O said...

it's snowing now, but is so windy and cold, nothing is sticking.