Friday, December 28, 2007

The year in music...

---So, how many records did you buy this year, a few, a lot? I can say I only bought one album this year, the rest of my music was ripped from peer to peer groups online or given to me as copies from other people I know here.

How about you guys?---


dad-e~O said...

goose egg.
i got some stuff from the library, and from friends. but didn't pay for any.
I just heard a news report, that the music industry is down Millions between Album sales, and Concerts last year.

Sickboy said...

I heard something like that too. I just dont listen to anything that would nearly be considered hip or trendy. Most of my music heroes are dead, setting aside Mike Ness. I only went to one concert this year to and that was to see Social D. play the night I met Mike Ness. When I met him, you could tell by the way he carried himself that he has busted his ass and bled to get to where that band is today. They should have a new album coming out in early '08. He is true Americana rock.

Sickboy said...

or maybe the sales and such are down because a lot of people finally realized that the music of today sucks!