Sunday, April 27, 2008

picture time

roslyn chapel was very ornate

true random thoughts

Did the Clinton team hack the New Hampshire vote? Bradblog makes its usual strong case for electoral fraud, but I'm finding it hard to get my indignant mojo working. Because here's the thing: even when the system works as advertised it contemptuously defrauds and disenfranchises citizens who take their politics like detached spectators. Obama and Clinton are two contenders in a fight club of closed ranks and consensus brutality with interchangeable corners. The outcome of this contest for advancement upon our lives - American lives and everyone else with a seat at the arena - will mean just as much as who wins the Super Bowl or the Oscar, should we have any emotional investment in the outcome of those contests. Because the only change to be registered will be how we feel about it. That's supposed to be enough, and it's been that way long enough that for many, it is.

this is from one of new favorite blogs,

random thoughts

been busy lately, but i did not forget scott's birthday. i just had to work a double in celebration of it. anyway happy b-day cousin. hope you had a happy one.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

music, movies and broads....

---I am such the romantic schmuck. Ugh, Im so hopeless. I long for the days of yesteryear when it seemed like this great Nation payed more attention to these things through it's music and movies.

Most of the women of today are whores, the music of today's times suck and most movies arent even worth sitting through the previews.

When did we go wrong?

I cannot tell you the last good album I bought from today's time. The last decent movie from recent years that I have seen multiple times is Walk the Line. And the women, good Lord, talk about skanks, I want my old one back!

The death of a blog...

yes yes and yes, I know you are all busy with life's stuff but this place has been dead for days.

On a much brighter note, its been 3 days for me without a ciggy and I feel great!!!---

Friday, April 25, 2008

Ciggys, my mouth and sun records.....

---Well, its now been days since Ive has a ciggy and I fucking feel GREAT about it!!! I cant believe I let those little damn sticks control my life for 20 damn years before actually doing something proactive about it.

My mouth is healing up well, but I go to the dentist again next Tuesday for more mouth work. Its gonna be a long road

Watched "walk The Line" again today and lemme say I would have killed to have been Sam Phillips back when Sun was just a young, budding, record label. All that damn talent. You had Elvis, J. Cash, Roy Orbison, Jerry Lee Lewis and so many more that had to yet move on to bigger labels at the time. Whew, that would have been awesome.

Speaking of awesome, I see that Mike Ness has added a 2nd night onto his stop in Chicago for his upcoming solo tour. You lucky bastards.

I just recently was finally able to get through the autobiography of J. Cash and he lived one hell of a life. It was a lot of stuff I had already knew, but man, was that boy ever fucked up on amphetamines. Staying up for 3 to 4 nights a week before totally crashing out, or taking a barbiturate or 5 to calm him down enough to sleep. I dont know how his body sustained such abuse from that one drug for song long. If youve seen the move "Walk the Line" with the part in Vegas when he is set to hit the stage and he comes out there looking like some possessed mad man ready to kill and thats a pretty good example of what meth does to you in today's times. Cash was seriously fucked up and he has the Carter family to thank for being his saving grace and pulling him out of the depths of hell.

So, whats up there?---

Thursday, April 24, 2008

kinda sticky and rainy in the area.....

---Well, the rain we were supposed to get here in Des Moines isnt due in until 12 and the pain killers I have for my massive mouth work knock me out so Ill prolly sleep through them anyways.

The ex had a fashion show to help coordinate tonight. I prolly could have went if I whined a bunch, but its just not my thing.

Raccoon in the backyard the size of a brontosaurus right now, Im not go fuck with. Fat assed mask wearing SOB.

Talk soon boyos---

---and by the way.....I get pats on the back and runnin high-5s from you guys...I have NOT had a smoke in almost 3 days!!!!!!-----

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Just saying Hello!!!

---Hi boys, whats going on over yonder?

Nothing special here. It was actually on the verge of being HOT here today, but it didnt quite make it. Im thinking by the end of this week, Ill be cutting the grass though, pending the rain moving in to the region never makes it this far.

Well, the major reconstruction of my mouth officially begins tomorrow Morning which Id be lyin my ass of if I said I was excited about it. Gonna be a lot of touch and go pain and soreness for the next few months to come. I mean, cant you tell I'm excited now? Got the IPod lined up with a ton of J.R. Cash, Social D.,The Clash, Buck Owens and many more of Country's great forefathers! Im ready. I just wish my damn dentist believed in using "happy gas" to hasten the procedure and give me more of a "I dont give a shit what you do next......attitude" The only thing I got going in is some pretty strong Valium, which I'm sure will help. NO, I AM NOT driving there, someone else is getting me to and fro. I'm not that much of an idiot anymore!

I just heard Hillary (in PA.) won out 40something% to 30something% over Barak. I dont think this saves her in any way, shape or form, but hell, a win is a win, right?

So, whats up???---

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Sat. Evening Post...

---Well, how was everyone's Saturday? Mine was alright, hung out with the ex and the smalls at the exs' shop for several hours only to be annoyed by one of the people that rent space from her.

Shes what would be known as a "Fag Hag", you know, a straight girl that develops a heavy crush on a gay man. Gosh, that shit pisses me off, but thats for another story when Im feeling more argumentative.

Ive been home for a while now, just got done watching a pretty cool special on Johnny Cash and his Gospel Years. Great stuff.

I just wanted to pop on for a second or two to say hey now! Ima go have one last ciggy, then curl up with a good book, read for a couple hours, then its off to dreamland for me.

Hope you ALL had good Saturdays! Love all you guys, talk soon!---

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Do I get a yes or a no?

---Im fucking tired as all hell, but I wanted you guys to chime in on this one before I turn things off for the night. It is kinda more than obvious that right now The Democratic Party is kinda tearing itself in half with this Billary vs. Obama action, my question to you is do you think its as bad as it looks and do you think its gonna effect the one who gets the nod come time? I mean Hillary has been asked by more than a few Dems now to lock up shop and go home, but she "plans" on staying in until the convention in August which is something I would think would totally make life for McCain super easy to win the election in the end. Ive seen worse in the Office than McCain, ya know?

What cha think? Im starting to feel that McCain walks away with it all because of Democratic Party division. A lot of Dems will NOT vote for Hillary under certain circumstances and I still say she has a small chance to get the nod in the end too.

This is all getting very exciting and there is NO WAY IN HELL I would ever wanna be a politician in today's times!---

random thoughts

this is josh looking at the model of edinburgh castle that is in edinburgh castle.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Question of the day

---Well, I still didnt get very many replies to "whats your fave. cover song, so Ill go with this...

Do you believe as humans we have "soulmates"? Someone we are destined to be with, a kindred spirit if you will? Do you think that life pulls us towards that special someone?

I used to think we did, but I dont buy into it anymore. I have fucking bent over backwards twice to try to get my ex to take me back home, but it just never works.Yeah, I come with my own set of problems but those are being worked on on a weekly basis. Im a damn good Father and I love that kid as if there is nothing else on Earth. My mind goes to 3 places as soon as I awaken every God and then to hope my ex and my girl are OK I believe the ex and I are the loves of each others lives, yes, but that doesnt havta make us "soulmates". Gosh, it gets intense sometimes though, on every level, lemme tell ya!

I think a soulmate may be an act of desperation too on one persons part also. Not good.---

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Fave covers?

---I know Ive brought this up before, but I never got any replies to it....

Plain and simple...Whats your favorite(s) cover song?

I have to go with Social D's Ring of Fire. Their version is amazing, both on CD but especially live. I think this cover is priceless and it has the ability to turn any venue they play at into a frenzy. Out of all the times Ive seen them live ( which is in the double digits now), ring of fire has always been part of the encore and Ness dedicates it to his wife every time he plays it now, how cute, eh?

My 2nd pick is Hurt covered by J.R. Cash. Just the video alone is so deep. Cash wrote his own ending with that cover, he got lucky. He took that song and turned it into his final bow, his curtain call and his swan song. Cash's life was full of diff. types of hurt and this cover summed it up by saying that in one way or another, the man in black was always hurting.

How about you guyses---

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I wonder as I wander...

PJB, Hows Tif? Shes been on and off my mind all day, how did surgery go brother?

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

more random thoughts

Sometimes I think this whole world is one big prison yard.
Some of us are prisoners, the rest of us are guards. - Bob Dylan

just found this while surfing.

random thoughts

this is the boys at roslyn castle, just down the hill from roslyn chapel. this was a thirty minute bus ride from down town edinburgh.

p.s. 37 doesn't feel old.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Busy, busy, Busy

Crap. Life sure does get busy.
-Tomorrow Tif goes in for a surgery, this ones pretty serios. She's supposed to expect to be laid up for 4-6 weeks.
-Life at the Shop is getting pretty busy. I just got invited to take part in an adult cycling class. very fun.
-Max got it in his head that he wanted to be in the Grade School Talent Show. He is Solo dancing to a song by the "They Might Be Giants" called "We're the Repacements" We are very proud of the HUGE balls it takes for a dude like Max to undertake this.... And more then a little nevous for him.
-I did recently take delivery of a Dell Vostro laptop, and the house has wireless WWW, so I am able to blog from home again, Kinda cool. I used part of the funds earned from the wine list consulting gig to pay for it, so it's paying for it's self, nice.
-Jake has decided that being 11 isn't much fun, so he is going to be 17, he is trying out swearing and talking back to see if it will get a cool reaction from his fairly cool parents. Its not.

Monday, April 07, 2008

hello again

hi guys been busy lately the tourist season is upon us. i did get a raise and promotion. i am the new bar manager, cool.

i am also going to finally post some of the scotland photos. from what i have been reading you all seem to be getting along well. carry on.


---Its Monday, oh boy! Im not a fan cuz everything I blow off over the weekend, I end up having to deal with on Monday mornings. Are you guys like that?

Procrastination rules.

Its cloudy and gloomy here. Pretty craptastic weather. Whats goin on with you guys? Hows this wine tasting thing going PJ?---

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Late Sunday Post

---How ya'll doing? All good here. Was warm here ealier, almost 70, but now we have cloud cover. Whats your fave. Johnny Cash song? Mine is Cocaine Blues. Why? Cus in the deepest resses of my jaded mind, I can visualize me doing that. But right now, especially with kid? No way.....

PJB, I bet youre really startin to see business now, huh? This is when those waters really get tested.

Scott, Im glad youre feelin better too.---

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Offmen Photo Archive 04.02.08

Hey Boy's sorry if I have not been around much this past week or so. C and I have been sharing a rather nasty bug. Fortunately we seem to be on the mend after 10 days of hacking our lungs out... never mind the sore throat, and fever that accompanied the coughing portion was the worst!

Seen above, Jason leaning on the back of Mike M's car on the infamous Offmen Camping trip of 1990.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Stupid teeth

---Well as most of you prolly DONT know, I was born without enamel on my teeth, its a weird genetic defect from my damn Dads side of the family, which means no enamel, means no protection for the tooth, so they decay and stain and an alarming rate. So, yesterday I went in for a checkup (1st one in prolly 10 years) and oh wow!

Need to have 6 teeth pulled, then they will be bleached to whiten them again and a couple of plates will be designed to put my fake tooth in position (I have one thats broken in half). So, Im expecting a lot of pain and a lot of pain killers to get through this. My dentist DOES NOT use happy gas to aid in the process, its just wham, get yer novocaine shots wait a bit for them to kick in and there we go, its pulling time.

Im gonna get some Valium from my regular dr. to help me ease into the process, make me a little high so I dont give a fuck what they are about to do to me, should be fun. I think I have to lose like 3 molars at the least.

Am I nervous? No. Am I dreading this? HELL YES. Its at times like this when I wish I was still a junkie so I could get the mad hookups with all kinds of crazy pills, but those days are over.

There is one tooth off to the right side that needs some kinda major work and Im gonna get a silver cap put on it and look like a total old school pimp. That I will havta pay outta pocket, Title 19 wont cover that, bit Ill just get on a payment plan and all will be well.

So, no dentures for me, just some work. The dentist said my teeth are in good shape minus the ones needing to be pulled or worked on.

I go back on the 29th to begin this project, they'll only pull 4 at a time due to discomfort. Well fuck, gimmie a decent pain killer like Oxycontin and rip me apart and get it done I dont care!

Its raining and about 35 degrees here today, very yucky.

Have a good one boyos---