Wednesday, April 09, 2008

more random thoughts

Sometimes I think this whole world is one big prison yard.
Some of us are prisoners, the rest of us are guards. - Bob Dylan

just found this while surfing.


Sickboy said...

Dylan has some great early gems out there. Maybe not so much anymore, but the early stuff is gold. Him and Cash were pretty tight.

Sickboy said...

Dylan once said that Cash was like the North could guide your boat by him....good stuff...very true.

Any man who doesnt like Johnny must have sexual preference issues.

Scott said...

That link and post are kind of old? I made a proper hyper link of the link on your post, hope it works for those interested.

By the by, I tried to call you today to wish you a Happy Birthday, but the number in my data base is no longer valid. I will email you later Old Man! Hope your day is going well and I look forward to speeching with you again soon.

With Love