Thursday, September 18, 2008

Crazy Critters

---Here in the great state of Iowa the common Chipmunk is known as a "Squinny". I love these little guys. Sometimes, yes, they dig in areas you really dont want them to, but if ya wanna get technical, they were here first, so whatever. Ive heard stories of them destroying foundations in peoples homes...yeah, that bad. We dont have any troubles like that here in our back yard and they seem to hang out on a daily basis by the truck load until it gets really cold out, then they go into torpor, which is a deep ass sleep, but not yet total hibernation.

They love bird food.

I can find them any day when its not raining up in our bird feeders eating like little pigs and I can literally talk at them while standing a mere 3 or 4 feet away and they dont even flinch. I was just outside having a ciggy and there was one fat SOB up in the bird feeder eating away like mad and all I did was cuss at it and watch him go.

Interesting rodents they are. Very gutsy. Very social.

So, what have you guys been up to? I see the you (PJB) are going to some bike related thing next week I believe, whats that about, it sounds interesting. Scott, I hope big man C and your little wee one are doing absolutely wonderful.

I think fall starts in a few days, am I wrong? Some of the trees around here are actually slowly starting to change now, but we have a Cottonwood tree in our back yard that is dropping dead leaves like mad. Some around here say that is just how they are...I was a little worried at first.

chat soon boys, love yas.---


dad-e~O said...

Inter-bike is the North American Bicycle industry trade show Geek Fest.
It's been held in Vegas for the last several years.
It should be interesting, to say the least.

dad-e~O said...

Chipmunks and Squirels are loads of fun, to cyclists, they tend to launch them selves into our wheels, creating havoc, accidents, and of course rodent demise. Another good reason to wear a helmet

Sickboy said...

damn, crazy ass rodents!

Scott said...

I too have run over a few chipmunks on my bicycle; however none have got them selves caught in my wheels, yikes! Both kept running after briefly spending time under my tire. I am guessing that big mountain bike tires are not as deadly as those found on a road bike.

Funny you should make a post of this subject, just this past Wednesday I moved our feeders from their hooks on our deck to a 5 foot length of one sixteenth galvanized steel cable now hung from a large burr oak tree in our back yard. We have tones of squirrels and chipmunks here partly due to the oak tree, and I don’t mind them having a little of the bird feed now and again. However on Monday I found one of the local chipmunks stuffing himself while inside the feeder! You know how they have those plexi panels holding the feed in, well there he was inside looking back out like a display window at Sears. The short of this is that the birds were not getting any so my new strategy is to hang the feeders from the tree by thin steel wire to mitigate the amount taken by my furry friends…. Maybe it will work?

Sickboy said...

Hi Scott, good to see you!

Yeah those little punks are eating friggin machines. I sometimes wonder if I sat around jumping about all darn day and ate as much as they did how many times Id puke! Its amazing of the amount of food they can scarf down. Mine have been out there already for a few hours this AM and I was able to get so close to one on one of our feeders that he didnt see me coming and I was able to poke him on the back. He about jumped out of his fur! Haha.....