Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ive got the ankle blues

---I rolled my ankle twice last week. You know, when you are walking and your ankle just turns out under you? Yeah, that. So, its about the size of a tennis ball. I went in for an x ray this AM and I swear those SOBs dont care what kinda position they havta put you in to get a good picture. I understand that they have to do that to get the right angle for the shot but damn, can you say OUCH?

So, Ill know in a few days whats up. I know it isnt obviously broken, but my Dr. was worried about tendon damage.

My Mom is already planning out our new Christmas decor for the living room this year...all white and red, it sounds nice actually, I dont mind it. Woke up at 730 this AM and it was 42 degrees here, without a doubt the coldest morning weve had in a long time. Started wearing a jacket again.

Im pretty fed up with all the Presidential finger pointing and blaming from both sides of the pool. I feel Sarah Palin would not yet be ready to lead this Nation if something happened to Senator McCain and that concerns me. Obama concerns me, period.

The kid loves school, thinks its great! We dodged a bullet there. She has music class and art class and gym quite often. I would not be surprised if she ends up an artist in life, she is damn creative and has been fed an excellent plethora of music. Time will tell and there is plenty of it. I just dont want her dating a musician, thats all. Heh---


dad-e~O said...

sorry to hear about your limited mobility, that sucks.
whow, X-Mas already!

I can't tell you how glad I am that you feel Sarah isn't ready to be one cancer ridden 72 year old heart beat away from the highest office in the freeworld.
Obama may be worrisome, but she scares me.

steve butt said...

i know what you mean about the ankle. I've been rolling mine lately. not seriously yet, but just enough to make it ache. the one thing i like about sarah is if she is v.p. and the canadians send their dreaded moose troops against us, she will be invaluable.

Sickboy said...

yeah, Palin...nope. Not ready to run this nation, kinda scary. McCain very well be in bad health to. Im excited to see the VP debate tomorrow night, I think that alone will make or break McCain.

Sickboy said...

And yes Steve, moose troops wouldnt stand a chance against Palin. Hah. I do respect her to a point though, she has done some positive things, but I just dont think shes ready.

steve butt said...

truthfully i don't like her blatant hipocracy, but i'm not a fan of any of the front runners. of course i rarely am.

dad-e~O said...

I can handle her hipocrocy (who isn't a little bit of a hippo?) but it's her blatant stupidity that bothers me.
I don't want a "Regular Joe/Jane" in the White house. I want someone who is so f'ing smart it scares me. Someone who inspires me to do/be better, not someone who makes me feel better about my own inadequacies.
My vote goes to the person who can rhyme with orange.;)

Sickboy said...

Yeah PJB, Im down w/ you 100%. When she 1st came on the scene I was like WOW, maybe she can kick some DC butt and help to make some changes, she seems smart and a good thinker, her RNC speech was awesome. But once the "Sarah buzz" wore off, I realized uh oh, we have a problem here.

Did you see the Katie Couric interview? Holy shit, Palin got friggin slammed. Im no fan of Couric, but she was just being a reporter being up front with the next possible VP.

But then again, I also think Biden is a dork too.

steve butt said...

ok i see your point. look at what the last eight years of stupid in the white house got us.

Sickboy said...

Orange? Thats a tough one if youre being for reals.

I went from being a hard lined right winger to an "i dunno" who I am for now.

My vote is still undecided.

Sickboy said...

I dont think this "last 8 years" thing has much to do w/ It. McMcain is on his own and has stayed away from Ole W. the best he could. I think hes tougher than Bush on foreign policy, A lot more receptive to our off shore drilling and in IMHO he used to be and still can be a great bill blocker when he is in his seat in DC. He has more experience than W. in almost everything there is.

The only thing I wouldnt want because the "surge" in Iraq is working, I wouldnt wanna be the next Pres. whos stuck dealing w/ this economic disaster!!!!

dad-e~O said...

OK the "Surge" is working, but so fucking what. We got into this war under false pretences, we continue this war to hold some outdated feeling of American superioririty. every time Sarah says it's unAmerican to leave Iraq in a surrender I want to Smack her. Is it American to send kids to bed hungy every night? Is it American to only teach 3/4 of our population to read well? is it American to destroy our natural resources in order to drive Hummers?.
These people talk about the American work force being the best in the world, but EVERY large company is scrambling to send as many jobs overseas as possible.
The president of United Airlines makes like Elevnty gajillion dollars a year, but cut's jobs and raises fares every month.
Our system is screwd
Don't forget, that something 1% of the population controlls 99% of the wealth, and everyone of them votes Republican.

dad-e~O said...

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Dem either. Big Govm'nt will not solve our problems.
But changing the term "Bailout Plan" to "Recovery Package" doesn't make it smell any better.
Did you know there is a subsidy in there for NASCAR? yes the fastest growing sport (And most ecologigly unfreindly) in the USA, gets a subsidy.