Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A follow up to an old in the news....

I guess if you are in a position of power it is fine by the law to drive hammered on prescription pills....read on...


WASHINGTON Jun 13, 2006 (AP)— Rep. Patrick Kennedy pleaded guilty Tuesday to driving under the influence of prescription drugs and was sentenced to undergo court-ordered drug treatment and a year's probation.

Kennedy, D-R.I., also was fined at least $350 in connection with his middle-of-the-night car crash last month near the U.S. Capitol.

In exchange, two other charges against Kennedy were dismissed: Reckless driving and failure to exhibit a driving permit.


Sickboy said...

court ordered drug program, boo friggin hoo!!!! Anyone else would have been looking at possible time and definite comm. service.

iozzi said...

Patrick (DUI) Kennedy's $350 fine is far less than the average person pays for a DUI.

Scott said...

Typical of the sort that represents us. Check out Shannons blog on 06/06/06 http://www.bitter-girl.com/ albeit one sided, I am not blind to this sort of crap knowing no political divide.

steve butt said...

this story doesn't tell the whole picture. he has the fine, the drug rehab, and 40 or 50 hours of community service. $250 of the fine are going to the boys and girls club in d.c. and the community service to to be served for the same org.