Tuesday, June 06, 2006

On a lighter note

Seen here my old bicycle completely rebuilt, with Colin’s new side car! I thought it might be nice to post something with out a hot button political statement attached to it. As I want you all know that even of the most venomous of my comments are just passions of few words and with out the whole truth. To me all of you are my brothers and I would hope you never feel the need to question my loyalty to any Offmen, no matter how much I may disagree with any of you. I think Pete wisely said it in an earlier comment that it is very difficult to communicate simple things like body language in the written word and that words are easily misinterpreted. So please bear in mind that some times my comments may be a larger reflection of my mood, passion, or rum in my tummy making me dumb, you need not doubt where my commitment lays. I guess I needed to say that for some times I type shit out then go to bed and think, Oh Crap what have I done?

Engel, Rammstein


Sickboy said...

That bike looks like a blast and Im sure Colin will love his new ride too.

Its nice to get away from the politics once in a while....Im sure there will be more to come soon.

Sickboy said...

And yes, I totally agree with you and PJ, it is so very frustrating to not be able to communicate body and language and even more importantly tone when using the written word. A lot of my rambles would come off as sarcastic and open hearted if I could express them in such a manner on here.

steve butt said...

i couldn't agree more. that ride looks like a blast and i miss the body language and side comments and other means of communication that are just not availible through the written word. just imagine a smirk on my face for most of my postings. i rarely take myself to seriously i like to play the devils advocate.
i still consider all of you good friends.

Martin said...

yep, I'm down with that whole communication is more than just words idea. sarcasm and self deprecation are hard to pull off in a text only forum, and those are the two modes I operate in.

dad-e~O said...

and christ those "emoticon" thingies can be a little overused sometimes.

nice rig Scott, I find working on bikes very relaxing and enjoyable.