Sunday, June 04, 2006

Weekly Random Photo 6/4

I must have stuck my arm in rather deep this time to have pulled out this little gem from the archive. For those not in the know, this photo of two mikes and a John, is from the first Offmen camping trip. Also I think most of you will agree this is a classic shot of Mike T. Maybe someday we will find him and he will join us in our fun here on the internet.


Sickboy said...

this is a great shot of Mike T. It makes me miss him and his unique sense of being. I wish we could find him too.

dad-e~O said...

thats my coat?

Sickboy said...

yes, remember when you moved you left it with me for a while....I remember.

steve butt said...

is there an echo here

steve butt said...

is there an echo here

dad-e~O said...

that coat still rocks... echo or none