Friday, June 02, 2006

Open letter to Eric

I hope this message finds you well and in good spirits.

This afternoon, I brought up the Offmen website on my browser to find you had written a rant that, um... raised some concerns. I think you recognized this, because the entry was soon deleted.

I haven't seen you in about fifteen years, and I don't know what's going on in your life aside from what I glean from this website. As for your problems, whatever they are, you are rightly hesitant to air them out for the whole world to see. I'm cool with that.

Being a guy, I like to fix stuff. Being an engineer, all the more so. But I recognize I can't fix whatever is bugging you. Still, I have some things to say.

First of all, you got one thing right. Life sucks -- except when it doesn't. That might seem like a glass-half-empty kind of thing to say, but everyone experiences great pain and suffering, and it sucks when we're going through it.

Way back when we were still riding around in the Poobah's Monza, you had your adult life ahead of you -- all your hopes and dreams unrealized, yet intact. But you know, we don't have all that much control over the narrative of our lives, not as much as we'd like. So somewhere along the line, things departed from what you had hoped for. This is something that happens to us all. For some of us, the departure is more jarring and severe than it is for others. For one of my friends, it involved the diagnosis of a brain tumor just past his 32nd birthday. That sucks.

Remember those "choose your own adventure" books (Wikipedia link) that first became popular around 25 years ago? What always frustrated me about those books was that it would offer you a choice, but whatever you did, within about three sentences, there would be a plot twist that would take you in a totally different direction from what you chose. So what was the f'n point? It really got me pissed off. In order to appreciate the story, you had to step back and see that even though it didn't turn out how you wanted, it still wasn't a bad story. Still pissed me off, though.

Anyway, I could be totally off base, but that's the world according to Mark M. Piss off.


Sickboy said...

tahnk you mark, my friend. Yeah right now, I am going through a dangerously tough time in my life and it has caused me to question everything I am to the point where I think about harming myself.

Your words touched me and made me think a lot more. I appreciate your words, they have helped me and awakened me to more than you know.

thank you, brother.

Eric =)

Sickboy said...

And yes, I was a big fan of the choose your own Star Wars and Indiana Jones books myself....