Tuesday, June 06, 2006

To add to the 6-6-06 myth.....

Here is an interesting quick read I found to go along with PJ's little post:

June 6, 2006 — Denise Gordon, an editor at Glamour magazine, was to give birth to twins today — 6/6/06.

She had serious reservations.

"I don't want them to have this birthday. There could be a stigma attached to it," she said.

Gordon and many other expectant mothers rescheduled their planned Caesarean sections for Wednesday — if there is a Wednesday.

So what's the fuss all about? In the Bible, Revelation 13:18 says: "Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred, three-score [and] six."

In other words the number of the beast or Devil is 666.

In the 1976 horror film "The Omen," Damien had that number on his head. He turned out to be the anti-Christ.

Some people believe that bad things will happen on days associated with 6-6-6 — even the ultimate bad thing: the apocalypse.

Robert Hodgson of the American Bible Society describes the apocalypse as a "period of tribulation."

"This will be a certain amount of time when there might be wars and pestulences and floods," he said.

It isn't just fanatics who are skittish about 6-6-6. President Reagan and his family changed the address of one of their houses from 666 to 668.

While some are scared of the number, others are cashing in.

A remake of "The Omen" opens in theaters today. The town of Hell, Mich., is throwing a party, and a gambling Web site is even giving odds — 100,000-to-1 — that the planet will survive the day.

If you win, how will you collect the bet if the world has ended?


dad-e~O said...

My first hotel job, Room service. I worked with this redneck who refused to write the #, when setting up an order for room 666 he would always invert one of the 6's we didn't have a room 696.
When avoidable he didn't even like to deliver to that room.

Sickboy said...

yeah its kind alike the whole Friday the 13th thing how some people dont like to acknowledge that either....

steve butt said...

people still cling to their superstitions. surprised the hotel even included a room 666. most resturants that i've worked for skipped table number 13

Sickboy said...

ive also noticed in certain highrises that the floor 13 is also skipped.

steve butt said...

there is a horrible urban legend that tells of a science class that wanted to bungee off of a building and didn't account for the missing thirteenth floor and all died

Scott said...

Hey look its 06-07-06!

Scott said...

Interesting post on same subject

dad-e~O said...

despite that fact that you didn't make one of those cute little links with your web address there I went, and low and behold I wasn't disapointed.
That was funny shit Scott...