Friday, March 09, 2007

Diet day.

---AM Temp. 36
Feels like. 32
Skies. Rainy

Well, today I start my new diet. Im really gonna start watching what I eat and Im cutting out the junk almost all together. Im doing it for health reasons sure, but Im mainly doing it because Im sick of not being able to bend over to tie my shoes and do simple tasks like that! My daughter also calls me chubby which bothers me. I dont want her to see me like that, so unhealthy and out of shape. The meds I was on really did a number on me.

Wish me luck.---


dad-e~O said...

good luck,
Read ingredient lists of the food you buy.
Avoid High Fructoce Corn Syrup, and Partial Hydrogenated Oil (trans or saturated fats)
Eats loads of fiber

Sickboy said...

yeah, I ve been told about the fiber thing a few times, Im gonna pay attention to that.

Anonymous said...

Good luck!

I agree with Pete, Avoid (like the plague)High Fructose Corn Syrup, and Partial Hydrogenated Oil (trans or saturated fats). But I would also add that you should try and avoid foods with a high sodium content as well. It has been suggested that the healthiest way to shop for food at a modern supermarket is to only shop the perimeter, and avoid foods in the center aisles (canned goods and other shelf stable meals).

Sickboy said...

Ive never heard that suggestion, I wonder why that is?

Jenuine said...

I wish you all the best as you begin your new diet! Take Pete and Scott's comments to heart - they know what they're talking about! :) One more bit of advice: try to avoid eating too much chocolate but if you must have it, dark chocolate is best for you! (I should know!!)