Monday, March 26, 2007

HIllary is in town.

---AM Temp. 62
Skies. Mostly Sunny.

Well Hillary Clinton is in town this morning conducting a "town hall" meeting. It was on Goodmorning America, but I only caught a few minutes of it, which in turn, was all I needed. The woman makes me ill.

This spring weather is simply heavenly. What did you guys do this weekend? Did you get to spend time outside? Fill me in....---


Anonymous said...

We spent our weekend in our basement, working hard to finish our remodel project so we can put our home on the market. On the bright side of things, for once in a long time it was not bone chilling cold while cutting lumber out in the garage.

Sickboy said...

Wow, good for you Scott. I bet you are anxious to get it all wrapped up.

Keep us Offmen posted and I hope pics will follow sometime.

dad-e~O said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, we are looking for a place with more dog room, and better schools.