Thursday, March 01, 2007

McCain is in.

---I dont like him, wouldnt vote for him, but I just thought Id pass this along.---

WASHINGTON -- Apparently believing that what's good once is even better twice, Republican Sen. John McCain announced his candidacy for president during a TV appearance, and then announced he will announce his candidacy again next month.
Seeking maximum exposure for his bid, McCain, 70, confirmed in a pre-taped interview on CBS' "Late Show With David Letterman" aired late Wednesday what has been clear for at least a year or more _ that he's running hard for the 2008 Republican nomination.

In this image taken from video and released by CBS, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz, left, speaks with host David Letterman on the set of "The Late Show with David Letterman," in New York, Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2007. McCain told Letterman: "The last time we were on this program, I'm sure you remember everything very clearly that we say, but you asked me if I would come back on this show if I was going to announce. ... I am announcing that I will be a candidate for president of the United States."


dad-e~O said...

what's your beef with McCain, he seems like a stand up guy? but there are probably alot of things I don't know

Sickboy said...

I just dont think hes republican enough. To me, he comes off as a damn democrat in republicans clothing.

Anonymous said...

What has he done that is so democratic? I am not in the know on McCain... Although part of his name sounds kind of cool.

dad-e~O said...

when I say I am a republican
one of my bartenders always says to me that a Chicago Republican would be a democrat in most other places.

dad-e~O said...

giggle on scott

dad-e~O said...

I just finished reading Al Frankens book "lyers" a very good read. and he has good things to say about McCain in the department of being fair, and unbiased (as far as I can remember) and honorable. McCain got a lot of flack (dirty fighting) from the Bush campaign wich muddled the public view on him. I would be interested in seeing his voting record. (I'm not sure if I'm actually interested enough to look it up, I'm sorta lazy.

Sickboy said...

To me, there are quite a few topics that Mccain comes off on the democratic side of th coin when in all tradition, his decisions should be more towards the GOP.

Anonymous said...

which few?

dad-e~O said...

let us know so we can make informed desicions come the primary

Martin said...

You talk about a dem in republicans clothing, Rudy Giulliani(sp). Of the issues I know his stance on; he's left on gay marriage, abortion and gun control. Big issues to break rank and file w/ the Republicans on. The only one of his left leaning tendencies I have real issue with is his stance on gun control, but it's an important issue to me.
There are of course a lot of other issues, but these are the only issues I know his stance on.

Sickboy said...

Yeah, as of right now, I wouldnt vote for Guiliani (sp) either.

dad-e~O said...

most americans pick the specific causes that are imprtant to us, like gay marriage or gun control. And then vote on who the ad's tell us feel the same way.
it would be cool if there was a credit card point system type venue:
Mr A voted for blah (3pnts), blah(6pnts) blah(4pnts), and against blah blah blah. so although he has voted for gun control(-3), and he also voted tax releif for the rich(-2). He voted for a giant wall in Texas (+2) and a improved conditions for Vets(+3) his overall grade is 0

Sickboy said...

It would be neat if there was a point value system. Good idea.

Sickboy said...

Just for the record, incase ya'll didnt know where I stand, I would vote for a giant wall in Texas.