Friday, March 02, 2007

---PM Temp. 30
feels like. 20
Skies. Sunny

Pretty boring Monday here, not much to talk about. Found this news piece on Ann Coulter. She makes Republicans look really, really bad IMO.

By TAHMAN BRADLEY, Political Unit
March 5, 2007 — Conservative bomb thrower Ann Coulter's lashing of 2008 Democratic presidential hopeful former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina over the weekend has created a firestorm with Democrats and Republicans alike rejecting her remarks.
At the Conservative Political Action Conference, an annual gathering of grass-roots conservative activists, Coulter, a best-selling author, referred to him using a disparaging word for a male homosexual.
"I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word 'faggot,' so I — so kind of an impasse, can't really talk about Edwards," Coulter said Friday at the gathering in Washington, D.C.
Later in the day, Howard Dean, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, wasted no time in pouncing on Coulter's remarks and calling for the Republican presidential field — many of whom were on hand to address the conference — to denounce Coulter's words.


dad-e~O said...

the thing we have to remember out this gaping slash is this, her sole job to sell more ad's. She needs to stir up enough shit to convince more people to buy her books, witch (or) will get more people to look for her in TV and magazines which will get more companies to buy advertising on her shows or on shows that cover her assinine comments which will get more people to buy her books.
She may or may not be evil, but those of us who are glued to the idiot box when she spouts off more shit are the one with real trouble. she's only important cause we give her power.
no body makes republicans look worse then our President.

Sickboy said...

I think like that when I hear her too. I also think of R. Limbaugh a lot in that sense.

W. makes Republicans look terrible, but I think come next term, that will all change.

dad-e~O said...

it will take ALOT more then 1 term to make republicans look OK. and I mean just OK in the public eye.

Sickboy said...

I feel the republican stronghold in this country are more willing to forgive and forget than they are to hold a grudge.

But you are right, those w ho are not republican will need serious proof before letting this one go...

Martin said...

Below is from an interview with Minnesota Senate hopeful Al Franken. Granted it's from 1976. The reference to "Pudding" is the Hasty Pudding theater group from Harvard.
"I just don't like homosexuals. If you ask me, they're all homosexuals in the Pudding. Hey, I was glad when that Pudding homosexual got killed in Philadelphia." The smile became so broad it pushed his eyes shut. He couldn't stand it any longer. "Put that in, put that in," Franken laughed, leaning over the desk. "I'd love to see that in The Crimson(Harvard University Newspaper)."

Libs may defend this, saying it was a joke or it was said 30 years ago. I don't know, I feel an apology from Al Franken may be in order. Of course, Al is an actual candidate while Coulter is a political analyst.

Anonymous said...

I think there is a difference between a mean spirited joke and a light hearted jest. That being said I agree with Pete in the sense that the media, as well as AC knows this all to well and that is why her comments are considered so sensational.

Martin said...

Someone saying that they were glad a homosexual was killed might be considered by some mean spirited. Appearantly Al thinks it's funny to joke about gays getting killed. I see your point about the intent or spirit of the comment, but it seems to be an example where someone may be getting a pass on inappropriate comments. I think there would be a different response if someone other than a liberal darling would have made the same comments Franken did.

Before I get called on being partial, I'm going to repost the entire paragraph as it appeared in the Crimson so I am not accused of taking the comments out of context.

"He recalled writing a skit called "Seamen on Broadway" that was rejected from the Hasty Pudding show "by some preppie so they could take some other preppie's skit." Franken started to smile again, but his tone was serious, too serious. "It's not preppies, cause I'm a preppie myself. I just don't like homosexuals. If you ask me, they're all homosexuals in the Pudding. Hey, I was glad when that Pudding homosexual got killed in Philadelphia." The smile became so broad it pushed his eyes shut. He couldn't stand it any longer. "Put that in, put that in," Franken laughed, leaning over the desk. "I'd love to see that in The Crimson."'

I don't know that the first few lines actually changes the context, I just didn't want to appear partial. I don't think what Al Franken said is a big deal, it was a joke. But we also know that some groups are very sensitive and demand apologies for even the mildest slight. That is unless you hold their political views.

Sickboy said...

I hate it when people are forced to be "politically correct."

Sickboy said...

So, everyone here thinks Franken should apologize, no?

Anonymous said...

Agreed Mike, it could easily be comparable to whom in this day in age says the word nigger... and gets away with it.

Mark M said...

Eric, it really bugs me when people put their foot in their mouth an then play victim of political correctness. Yes, it is a free country, but there are some things you can't say (because they cause tangible harm to others), and there are other things you shouldn't say because it would be irresponsible to do so...

As for Franken, am I the only one who reads that quote differently? In Mike's second posting, putting the quote in context profoundly changes its meaning. It's clear that Franken is trying to say something ridiculous while acting deadpan to see if he can get the interviewer to fall for it. (If someone were to ask me if I liked cats, and I responded, "Oh yes, they're quite tasty," would you think I really ate cats?) This is hardly comparable to Ann Coulter's schtick, which seems to be sincere -- unless she's doing an unfunny Stephen Colbert act.

Sickboy said...

black people use the word nigger all the time and get away with it.

Anonymous said...

Well said Mark!

Martin said...

Mark, do you think that the same comments in the same context from someone without the liberal track record of Al Franken would have been given a pass by the gay community, especially the more vocal elements?

I'm not trying justify Coulter's comment or to single out the gay community, they are just the example at hand.

Martin said...

Mark, in regards to your question about cat eating. People may not really believe you eat cats, but animal rights extremists would condemn you for creating images of violence against animals.

Mark M said...

Mike, I think there's a big difference between this:

Franken: I'm saying something most people find offensive, but of course I don't really think this way. But wasn't it funny to hear me say something you wouldn't expect me, of all people, to say?

...and this:

Coulter: I'm saying something most people find offensive just to prove I'm free to voice my offensive thoughts. Wasn't it funny to hear me say something so outrageous?

See... Franken: playing a bigot. Coulter: is a bigot.

Sickboy said...

so just because Coulter says one thing off color she is a bigot?

Sickboy said...

So, its OK for someone to use a slur only when their kidding, but if its meant to be "serious", it should be only then considered offensive?

dad-e~O said...

Coulter has a track record of being a bigot.
This is not an isolated incedent. NO ONE was surprised to hear she said something nasty about Gay's. But most people who are familiar with Franken would be surprised to hear about his anti gay comments.

Anonymous said...

I think the old adage to read between the lines comes to mind. Most of people recognize the difference in what is being said and what is really coming from the hart. Coulter is correct to identify her right to be a out spoken bigot, but I think she would have been better spoken if she had said her joke was mean spirited strait from the start. I wonder if any one would have given so much fuss over her words had she not flip flopped on what she said, and admitted to her hateful ways right off the bat.

Sickboy said...

scott, ya bring up a valid point in lots of ways....

I have more respect for a person who tells it like it is to them and isnt afraid of backlash, then one who changes this and that or hides behind something else.

I still think franken should apologize though.