Sunday, March 18, 2007

Power drinkin.

---I can remember, in high school I wasnt mcuh of a drinker. PJ, Bob and myself were into other forms of recreational things to put it nicely. As I got a little older and inducted into the ranks of OMI, drinking wasnt a huge staple of life either. It wasnt until AFTER I turned 21 that things got nuts for me when it came to binge drinking and alocohol consumption. I got really bad when we used to hang out at Vertigo every week. That was when I would binge.

Heres a little article and commentary from

Saving the world from retiring countless drunken Irish jokes or rethinking well established stereotypes, the Irish have come forward as the world's leading binge drinkers.

The survey, conducted in October and November last year, found that almost one in five people between the ages of 15 and 24 drink five or more alcoholic beverages in one session...

EU spokesman Philip Tod said the EU poll, which questioned 28,584 people, defined binge drinking as when more than five alcoholic drinks are consumed in one sitting.

The poll found that 34% of Irish people questioned saying they "usually" binge drink, followed by Finland, where 27% of respondents said they did the same. Britain was third with 24% and Denmark fourth with 23%.

The idea of binge drinking here is a tricky subject. Is it really binge drinking if an Irish bloke goes to the pub after work spends the entirety of the evening there and drinks five drinks in one sitting of five hours? And if this were done regularly wouldn't the Irish binge drinkers develop a tolerance for alcohol which would force the scale of binge drinking to be a sliding one?

Plus, if you're 15 to 24 you have to binge drink. I mean 15 year-olds can't get home from a hard day of pointless education and pop open a cold one and tune out to the news. No you have to do all your drinking in quick bursts while your parents aren't looking and wondering how it reflects on them. Furthermore, college students are studying hard and thus are forced to do the entirety of their drinking in one night on the weekend, because the generation which preceded us ruined all jobs and significantly increased the length of the work week such that the only way to earn a decent salary is to sacrifice your entire life with the sole consolation being the occasional night of serious drinking.

All I am saying is that I think the Finns need to get with it.

In light of this, Saint Patrick's Day is saved, and thousands of Americans can celebrate by getting completely soused knowing that that's how Ireland would want their most famous Saint to be honored.


dad-e~O said...

I definatly drink more then I should (I have a whiskey and beer on the desk right now), but I wouldn't consider myself a "binge drinker"

Sickboy said...

No, from what you have told me, I wouldnt consider you a "binger" either.

glad to see you back here, how have you been?

dad-e~O said...

busy. and our PC had a virus, so my on line time was pretty limeted.
I applied for a new Job, and have been working on bikes like crazy. trying to get ready for the season.

Sickboy said...

Glad to hear you applied for something new...not glad to hear about the p.c.

glad yorue back here though, you were missed.

Martin said...

Is it binge drinking if you do it all the time?