Monday, March 19, 2007

White slaughter in Africa.

---I found this to be very disturbing and very interesting---

© 2004

While former South African President Nelson Mandela, 85, scoffs at rumors of ill health, plans are being made by the nation's Communist Party to slaughter all whites in the country upon his death, G2B sources say.

One of the operations planned entails 70,000 armed black men "being transported to the Johannesburg city center within an hour" in taxicabs to attack whites.

The plans are variously dubbed "Operation Vula," "Night of the Long Knives," "Operation White Clean-up," "Operation Iron Eagle" and "Red October campaign."

Operation "Our Rainy Day" was to be carried out after the death of Nelson Mandela and would have entailed blacks being transported to the largest cities in taxis.

The assailants were expected to "take over" fuel points and massacre whites. The attacks would lead to a coup.

Sources say most blacks in the country are aware of the plans. When racial disputes occur, blacks often tell whites, "Wait until Mandela dies.”

"White people in South Africa can deny it to the end of the earth, but we are in real danger," one resident said. "This is no joke and any person with half a brain can see that this rumor has spiraled out of control."

Many whites are now convinced a vicious campaign of ethnic cleansing will follow Mandela's death whenever it comes. Some are making preparations for retreats.

"I have prepared myself and we have a gathering place where we can fortify for four weeks after Mandela’s death," said one white South African. "If nothing happens it will be a miracle."

The Red October campaign is allegedly a Communist plot to oust President Thabo Mbeki. Mbeki would be replaced by Cyril Ramaphosa.

"I was starting to think I was going nuts!" said another white South Africa resident. "'Operation Uhuru' or 'Operation White Clean-up' is definitely no rumor. I spoke to someone who told me that some blacks in Zimbabwe have also confirmed that this 'event' will take place. My cousin stays on a farm in Mpumalanga, not too far from Johannesburg. A black police officer in that district told his white colleague that they are going to kill us like flies, and there is nothing we can do about it. And that they also don't care if we know."


Mark M said...

I was struck by the first 2 things in the article... (1) Copyright 2004. The article is 3 years old. (2) -- hardly a respectable source of news. "G2B" is the G2 Bulletin by WorldNetDaily founder Joseph Farah, who I think is totally nuts.

Who are the people making the allegations? In order, we have "G2B sources," "sources," "one resident," "one white South African," and "another South Africa resident." And you believe these people?

Then there's this: "The Red October capaign is allegedly a Communist plot to oust President Thabo Mbeki. Mbeki would be replaced by Cyril Ramaphosa." LOL!!! Ramaphosa, a member of Coca-Cola's international board, will take over in a Communist coup and engage in ethnic cleansing of white South Africans??? Give me a break!

Sickboy said...

I just found it stumbling around the internet. I was under the assumption that it was recent news, but I guess it isnt.

I just thought the article was interesting to say the least.

Sickboy said...

this is the 1st time Ive let a news article beyond 6 months get past me, sorry about that. That I will apologize for, I should have caught it.

As far as Farah being totally nuts, I disagree. What makes him nuts mark? So what, hes worked with some pretty big names so he cant be too far off. Of course, you are quick to dismiss him because he is a an extreme conservative.

Mark M said...

Eric -- I'm not saying Farah is literally mentally ill, but he does seem to have a penchant for wild conspiracy theories. Back when Vince Foster was killed, a guy named Richard Mellon Scaife was sure something unseemly could be found if he just dug deep enough. He had no trouble recruiting Farah to make wild claims that, while catching the public's imagination, turned out to be imaginary. Scaife spent millions trying to pin Foster's death on Bill Clinton, at least in the court of public opinion.

This article could be Exhibit A on Farah's extremely low journalistic standards. It's not just that I object to the content -- the article simply doesn't qualify as journalism. Where are the primary sources? I thought maybe Farah had excerpted the article from somewhere else without attribution, so I Googled one of the quotes: "My cousin stays on a farm in Mpumalanga." Nope. The only hits on Google refer back to Farah's article (many of them on neo-Nazi and white nationalist websites). I guess if we want to find out if his anonymous "sources" exist, we'd have to ask Farah for his source material.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, call me middle America but "extreme conservative" or "extreme liberal" is usual a quick ticket to dismissal in my book.

This article strikes me as coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs, even with out Marks exellent rebuttal. It reminds me of an old urban myth once common in these parts about "gang members killing drivers with one brunt out headlight as a right of passage".

Martin said...

They mentioned "night of long knives" in the article which was an assassination campaign within the Nazi party in 1934 where Hitler did away with rivals in the heavily militarized SA branch of the party.

Martin said...

Oh yeah, South African military and police would quash this shit toot sweet. Those guys don't fuck around.
Since owning guns is illegal for the most part in South Africa you'd have a bunch of machete wielding people being mowed down by SA-80's and FN FAL's. My voice joins the chorus of calling shenanigans on this.