Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Busy, busy, Busy

Crap. Life sure does get busy.
-Tomorrow Tif goes in for a surgery, this ones pretty serios. She's supposed to expect to be laid up for 4-6 weeks.
-Life at the Shop is getting pretty busy. I just got invited to take part in an adult cycling class. very fun.
-Max got it in his head that he wanted to be in the Grade School Talent Show. He is Solo dancing to a song by the "They Might Be Giants" called "We're the Repacements" We are very proud of the HUGE balls it takes for a dude like Max to undertake this.... And more then a little nevous for him.
-I did recently take delivery of a Dell Vostro laptop, and the house has wireless WWW, so I am able to blog from home again, Kinda cool. I used part of the funds earned from the wine list consulting gig to pay for it, so it's paying for it's self, nice.
-Jake has decided that being 11 isn't much fun, so he is going to be 17, he is trying out swearing and talking back to see if it will get a cool reaction from his fairly cool parents. Its not.


steve butt said...

yea, josh is trying that whole talking back thing to. he already tried the swearing.

Sickboy said...

Kudos to Max, thats bad ass.

Sickboy said...

Ah yes, I remember those days of trying to act older than you actually were. At the time you thought you were right on, but now as you look back over it many moons later, you realize things didnt go so well. But Im still a cussin fool anyways.

Sickboy said...

One more most important thing...Ill say a prayer for Tif.

dad-e~O said...

I am actually in the waiting room right now, listening to Itunes with one ear, daytime TV with the other. and trying to type while chewing my nails.

Sickboy said...

please, as soon as ya can, let us know how she is, ok bro?