Thursday, April 17, 2008

Do I get a yes or a no?

---Im fucking tired as all hell, but I wanted you guys to chime in on this one before I turn things off for the night. It is kinda more than obvious that right now The Democratic Party is kinda tearing itself in half with this Billary vs. Obama action, my question to you is do you think its as bad as it looks and do you think its gonna effect the one who gets the nod come time? I mean Hillary has been asked by more than a few Dems now to lock up shop and go home, but she "plans" on staying in until the convention in August which is something I would think would totally make life for McCain super easy to win the election in the end. Ive seen worse in the Office than McCain, ya know?

What cha think? Im starting to feel that McCain walks away with it all because of Democratic Party division. A lot of Dems will NOT vote for Hillary under certain circumstances and I still say she has a small chance to get the nod in the end too.

This is all getting very exciting and there is NO WAY IN HELL I would ever wanna be a politician in today's times!---


dad-e~O said...

I think McCain will win if one of these nuckleheads don't drop out.
I think Obama would be good for the US, and Hillary would spiral us into ruin.

Sickboy said...

I definitely agree with you on the Hillary thing, but I just think Obama is too slick, almost too good to win The Office. If Obama wins, strange things may happen.

If McCain wins not much will change, we will just have an old grumpy man in The White House.

Sickboy said...

To me, Obama is too good to be true and I cant trust that. Remember, I trolled in the gutter on and off for a few years and I know what its like to live amongst lifes' lowest of the low...with that being said, I have trained myself to be able to sniff out those that are too good to be true or those that are too full of shit to be real and I think Obama falls into one of those categories!