Monday, April 07, 2008


---Its Monday, oh boy! Im not a fan cuz everything I blow off over the weekend, I end up having to deal with on Monday mornings. Are you guys like that?

Procrastination rules.

Its cloudy and gloomy here. Pretty craptastic weather. Whats goin on with you guys? Hows this wine tasting thing going PJ?---


dad-e~O said...

I got to the shop this morning with 15 jobs to do, and left after 8 hours, with 18. I am definatly starting to get busy.
Procrastination is not an option.
except that's what I'm doing now.
instead of working on my wine job, i'm surfing the blog.
bad, bad, bad

Scott said...

All the days seem the same to me... I was thinking it was Sunday today, until I read your post.

The good news is that C and I are finally feeling better, but the bad new is that my weeble wobble wife now has what we had on top of her existing condition. Just trying to play catch-up and care for my grouch wife (who I love very much).

Sickboy said...

everyone needs some time away PJB. Its ok, I wont tell.

And Scott, your comment is double edged...Im glad you and C are feeling better but man am I ever happy Im not married anymore.