Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Offmen Photo Archive 04.02.08

Hey Boy's sorry if I have not been around much this past week or so. C and I have been sharing a rather nasty bug. Fortunately we seem to be on the mend after 10 days of hacking our lungs out... never mind the sore throat, and fever that accompanied the coughing portion was the worst!

Seen above, Jason leaning on the back of Mike M's car on the infamous Offmen Camping trip of 1990.


Sickboy said...

Sorry you were sick bro, but Im glad youre on the mend. It sucks when one person in the house gets it, then it travels on down the line.

dad-e~O said...

It's usually Up the line in my house. First Max, then Jake, then Tif, then Me. In reverse age order

dad-e~O said...

I don't know who this kid is.....

Sickboy said...

yeah PJ, Jason would have been around during your Florida time I think.