Saturday, April 19, 2008

Sat. Evening Post...

---Well, how was everyone's Saturday? Mine was alright, hung out with the ex and the smalls at the exs' shop for several hours only to be annoyed by one of the people that rent space from her.

Shes what would be known as a "Fag Hag", you know, a straight girl that develops a heavy crush on a gay man. Gosh, that shit pisses me off, but thats for another story when Im feeling more argumentative.

Ive been home for a while now, just got done watching a pretty cool special on Johnny Cash and his Gospel Years. Great stuff.

I just wanted to pop on for a second or two to say hey now! Ima go have one last ciggy, then curl up with a good book, read for a couple hours, then its off to dreamland for me.

Hope you ALL had good Saturdays! Love all you guys, talk soon!---

1 comment:

Sickboy said...

yeaj, Ill be sure to run over to that Flores.

Hah. Spam.