Sunday, April 27, 2008

true random thoughts

Did the Clinton team hack the New Hampshire vote? Bradblog makes its usual strong case for electoral fraud, but I'm finding it hard to get my indignant mojo working. Because here's the thing: even when the system works as advertised it contemptuously defrauds and disenfranchises citizens who take their politics like detached spectators. Obama and Clinton are two contenders in a fight club of closed ranks and consensus brutality with interchangeable corners. The outcome of this contest for advancement upon our lives - American lives and everyone else with a seat at the arena - will mean just as much as who wins the Super Bowl or the Oscar, should we have any emotional investment in the outcome of those contests. Because the only change to be registered will be how we feel about it. That's supposed to be enough, and it's been that way long enough that for many, it is.

this is from one of new favorite blogs,


Sickboy said...

Interesting and typical.

As of today, Im voting for MCcain.

dad-e~O said...

sadly a little too true for comfort

Sickboy said...

I am about 15 seconds from walking away from it all and not voting at all. Voting and being PC has become so politically correct that it just makes me wanna walk away from all of it.

By time my girl is able to vote, she'll prolly be voting for robots anyways......

steve butt said...

i am not saying don't vote i'm saying vote for a third party. you only throw your vote away if you vote one of the system canidates that are danced in front of us every cycle, or if you don't vote.

Sickboy said...

3rd party is also another bullshit way for tossing your vote in to nothingness...