Saturday, May 10, 2008


---Hello boys and maybe Tif, that is, if shes lurking, hehe...

Gonna go chill w/ my kid for the day in a little bit, should be a good time. Tonight I have to help out the ex with a fashion show she is partaking in. Shes not a model, shes just supplying some of the vintage wear.

It was pouring here earlier but now the sun is out, nice day ahead I guess, until we get more t-storms over night. We arent gonna do anything too special for Mother's Day, Im just gonna grill up some killer steaks and whatnots. I wont get to see the ex tomorrow, she'll be up North chillin with her Mama.

Well boys and maybe Tif, Im out. Have a great weekend and drop in to chat if ya get a few minutes.

And whats this I hear about Hillary now willing to walk away from the race if Obama gives her the VP nod? Screw that. That damn bitch will do ANYTHING to get back into the White House, its almost disgusting. Id pick Richardson, or Edwards as my runnin mate personally.---

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