Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Bye bye....

---Well, I know youre all busy and stuff, but I have a lot to do also with my Mom having just lost her hubby 6 mos. ago as of today!!!

I MAKE time to come to the blog. I used to love it here, it was great seeing a bunch of us back in touch on a day to day basis. But that just hit a brick wall out of nowhere. This place is dead. Real dead.

If someone else here wants the responsibility of stoppin in every day and leaving a short post or two, go for it, cuz, this bird has flown. I have no desire to "quit" OMI, but this blog just sucks now with ppl. being busy all the time and stuff. Its goin on 2 weeks now with- out a single post, but I havent done much in that time either!

Don't think twice its alright, I'm not really mad, but I'm definitely something.


Scott said...

So how the hell do you delete these things when they have gone so horribly wrong?

dad-e~O said...

ya know,
I enjoy this blog very much.
but here's the thing...
I'm busy as shit.

Running a business, that is in season.
Attending to my Children.
Trying to take care of Tif.
Occasionally exersize in order to keep from loosing my mind.
Lets not even talk about the Puppy.
I just missed my brothers wedding, and my nephews First Communion.

This is supposed to be fun, not an obligation.

dad-e~O said...

When life calms down a bit, I'm sure I'll be checking in more often.

Sickboy said...

Scott, I came here for honest answers, not some fucking bullshit tongue in cheek remark.

PJB....I TOTALLY appreciate your honesty. I bet your business is rockin, which is what I wanna hear. Even if thats the only thing you come here to say every other day or whatever, thats worth it.

I still stand where I stand though, alone, more understanding though.

Scott, you want me to delete all my posts? Just say the word.

Scott said...

Sorry E, my comments was in reference to a comment I made last night (while a few sheets to the wind) that did not make any this morning. After I figured out how to delete it, I was forced away from my machine until now 12 hours later. every thing here is so crazy at the moment I just got my computer up and running again... I have not been on line really since March, although it only seems like a week or so ago.

I wish I had the time as of late to give to this blog, but my families wellbeing is still a greater priority. I am hoping to have more time in the next few weeks to participate more....I so hope. I am going nuts here!

Sickboy said...

yes, my comment was rather stand offish too, I am so sorry Scott. You and I have been through a hell of a lot to call it quits now.

As soon as I hit "post" after my mindless, immature rant, I thought "Aw fuck, that was so stupid Eric."

I think right now we all have shit going down. PJB w/ his shop, you w/ the dealings of your family life, Steve pops in every so often which is a breath of fresh air and I myself will admit,that I entered yet another fucking daytime treatment program that varies week to week. Boys, life is hard, but never, EVER depend on a substance to help you through it, alcohol, pills, will fuck you....hard. If I didn't have my kid, I would've committed suicide last week, thats how bad it is. Thank God for my kid, Social D and Buck Owens. Those 3 things allow me to remember what life is really like every day now. Being addicted to oxycontin sucks. It will bend you over.

I love you guys, talk soon.

Tif said...

eric,who is buck owens?
I would like for you to know that even though I don't post I look at the blog daily. I relate to Peter what I have read and he enjoys being kept in the loop. so to speak. I read scott's first post the one he deleted because he felt it may have been to harsh. I don't think it was. I think(although can't be sure) he was just trying to say sometimes life gets in the way.(btw scott how is P? baby growing? and how is C?) anyway... I also enjoy reading Peter's post and wish he had more time to add to the blog. Just so you know he is happier then he has been in a long time and it shows. that is really saying something because he is dealing with a shit ton of crap. although I don't think he would call it crap.the shop, the boys, me and the f'ing puppy not to mention the wine list. He's HAPPY and I wish as does he that he had more time to share that with you and everyone else. I hope you find your way to wellness(how's the no smoking coming a long?) and remember that even though the blog is dead from time to time as long as you keep typing someone is checkin' in
I'll be back tomorrow

Sickboy said...

HEY TIF!!!!!

Ive really been thinking of you a lot lately, how are YOU feeling!

Yeah, I needed to pull my head outta my ass after that stupid rant the other day and just deal, you guys are busy, so whatever happens here, happens.

Buck Owens, eh? He was one of the greatest old school country singers of the 21st century. He just passed not too long ago. Yeah, you could say my musical taste has totally changed and Im kinda a prick about it. But nah, I love ya...he was just one hell of a love song writer...good stuff.

I hope this finds you well and do your best since youre on the lowdown to keep that warrior of a hubby you have sane for me, ok?

Sickboy said...

my big thing, I guess, is that I HATE it when people get so caught up IN life that they LET life pass them by, ya know?

....By the way Tif,I Bought a pack of ciggies last night. Whoops.

Scott said...

HI Tiff!!!!

It is great to see you up and about!

I hope you did not blind your self with my other 5 or 6 drunken rants/comments. you are so very kind in your assessment of my idiotic words.

As I am sure many of you can relate there is nothing like waking up in the morning thinking OH GOD WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO LAST NIGHT!

When I imagine Pete's life and how it is today I always think much of his wellbeing to due to a fabulas wife. I have to say I have always felt you were one very cool cat!

Tif said...

Thanks Scott that means a lot.
I still believe that in a way we make our own happiness. It helps to have someone to share the journey with. Some of us our lucky enough to find our soul mate(oh no there's that word again) and journey with them. Peter and I go together like a puzzle, peas and carrots, wine and cheese, and puppies and pee. It"s not always good But DAMN it' ALWAYS fun!!!!
The dr. that did my surgery was impressed that Peter could make me laugh mere moments before going under("overies are for sissy"). The truth is we have been laughing our way though life for the past 14 years. Sometime though the tears but hardly ever without laughter.
In short I am thankful for Peter everyday. He's the cool cat,