Monday, May 29, 2006

And just when we thought our loser neighbors to the north were worth something....


TORONTO May 29, 2006 (AP)— Canada's spy agency said Monday that some Canadian citizens or residents received terror training in al-Qaida-run camps in Afghanistan, providing official reinforcement to what security analysts have warned for years.

The deputy director of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, Jack Hooper, told a Senate committee studying Canada's role in Afghanistan that there are people living in Canada who fought with al-Qaida during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.


Martin said...

I totally lost interest in Canada after Kids in the Hall ended.

Sickboy said...

I was gonna say the same thing.

Martin said...

Although they do have awesome walleye fishing up there.

Sickboy said...

thats one thing I do plan on doing this summer....some fishing. I didnt get to do much last year but this year Im gonna hit the ponds and lakes.

Scott said...

They have lots of snow... I love snow, some day I will move there.

dad-e~O said...

Don't forget Alex Trebek...

Martin said...

i think the guy that wrote and or directed 40 Year Old Virgin is Canadian. that is a fucking funny movie. One of the best of last year.

steve butt said...

and they are growing industrial hemp in canada

Martin said...

I wouldn't think hemp would like industrial, too aggressive I'd tend to think it would like the Grateful Dead and PHish, and probably jazz.

Precious Thing...Big Black