Monday, May 15, 2006

Newbie to be? Vote Here

Do you know this guy?
His name is
Mike Martin,
and I am attempting an effort to officially include him in the ranks of OMI.
In my humble opinion our friend, many of you already know him, would enjoy being made an Official member of OffMen International.

-He has been a perifial part of this group for a long time (Since the Club Vertigo days).
-He's a fine upstanding gentleman (father of two, married to Maureen Henning)
-He looks good in a kilt (and drinks guiness like kool-aid)
-He spend time on his computer and would be an entertaining addition to our blog.-He is a much better speller then me

Eric says: "I totally agree. MIke would make a great Offmen. "
Scott says: "Yes, I think it was proposed quite some time ago that Mike Martin be brought into the fold. He does seem to meet many of the prerequisites.He has my vote."
Micheal (poobah) says: I remember Mike. Plus, any husband of little Mo is fine by me. he also says "..................., I do think we should allow the others to participate more fully in the poll. My opinion is far from the only one that matters. Though I do reserve the right to rain on OMI parades randomly and without warning. But I believe we all maintain that right."
Frank says: nothing, he is to busy biting pillows to check his e-mail

In my own defense, I initially floated the idea of adding a new member via e-mail and didn't include Steve, Tom, and Mark mainly because their e-mail addy's aren't in my personal mail book (sorry lads) and I was to lazy to pull them off the blogspot list.

let us discuss at length

sie, einsturzende neubaten


Sickboy said...

I am all for making Mike an Offmen. I have known him for over 10 years now and not once has he let me down. Mike is a damn good person.

Scott said...

Nice presentation Pete, I love the mug shot of Mike! To bad we are not seeing him all sexy in his Kilt.

I think that with enough votes he could be a probationary member until his official induction. That way he would be allowed to post. I might propose that a probationary member might even post with his newbie title only, until full membership, or maybe his post would have to be in pink or some other color...? For example each post would start with a title like “Newbie Mike Posts”.

Any how I am just thinking out loud.

Sickboy said...

I 2nd Scotts idea. I didnt give it much thought but I like the idea of ginving him probationary rights until a later time, thus allowing him to post here. The pink idea is great, I back Scott's idea here.

dad-e~O said...

he is actually wearing his kilt in this pic. it's his wedding day ( i think)

Sickboy said...

and Frank is a pillow biter,hah.

Michael said...

Um, I don't think that coloring postings or not is a big deal. We're all grown ups. Let him post. We'll know he's officially probationary until we do something awful to him at the reunion. We could make him wear his kilt to a taco bell and attempt to order haggis, and not leave until they agree to add it to the value menu? He would have to do all this while faking a Scottish brogue.
We could force him to explain what a sporin is to unsuspecting people at a bus stop or el platform?
We could insist that he bribe us all with cash?
We could lock him in a dark room with Mongo for an hour and see if he can walk afterwards?
Any other ideas?

Scott said...

I like Michael’s cash bribe option, Frank has evidently been to busy pillow biting to be a reliable source for in the closet mayhem.

dad-e~O said...

I just E-Mailed Mike the link to this page, Let's see how long it takes him to see it and respond....

Anonymous said...

Well let me start by saying that it's an honor just to be nominated. I would be happy to become a probationary member of such a group that enlists fine upstanding members of society like Peter and Scott along with incorrigible delinquents like Frank.

dad-e~O said...

icorigible or flagilant?

Michael said...

Pete, you actually sent me to merriam webster with your usage of flagellant. Nice job. As a prize, here's the def:
Main Entry: fla·gel·lant
Pronunciation: 'fla-j&-l&nt, fl&-'je-l&nt
Function: noun
1 : a person who scourges himself as a public penance
2 : a person who responds sexually to being beaten by or to beating another person
- flagellant adjective
- fla·gel·lant·ism /-l&n-"ti-z&m/ noun

With all this in mind, I'd say flagellant is more appropriate than either plain ole deliquent or incorrigable. Particularly with definition number 2!

dad-e~O said...

Seeing as how I'm not to swift, and didn't scramble over to miriam webster to know weathre or not the word I was using was in fact the word I wanted.... I do like the word you found and it seems strangly fitting for our boy Mongo, but, I took a cue from you and double checked, this is the word I had intended:


Main Entry: flat·u·lent
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle French, from Latin flatus act of blowing, wind, from flare to blow -- more at BLOW
1 a : marked by or affected with gas generated in the intestine or stomach b : likely to cause gas
2 : pompously or portentously overblown : INFLATED
- flat·u·lent·ly adverb