Monday, May 08, 2006

In The News.....

Bush nominates Hayden as CIA chief
Some lawmakers question selection of military officer for post.

Monday, May 8, 2006; Posted: 2:12 p.m. EDT (18:12 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Bush on Monday nominated Air Force Gen. Michael Hayden to be the new CIA chief, setting up a possible battle with members of Congress who question whether his military status is right for the spy agency.

Hayden is "supremely qualified for this position," Bush said during an Oval Office announcement with the 61-year-old nominee, who is principal deputy to National Intelligence Director John Negroponte.

"He's the right man to lead the CIA at this critical moment in our history," the president said.


Sickboy said...

What else is Bush going to say? he is gonna admit if the guy is a bumbling idiot or something...

dad-e~O said...

That douche bag could tell me the sky was blue and I would have trouble agreeing.

Sickboy said...

yeah, pretty much.

Scott said...

Why does this man continue to be so incredibly out of touch? So much for learning from one's mistakes?

Mark M said...

Here is what Bush said in announcing his nomination of Porter Goss on 8/10/04:

He's the right man to lead this important agency at this critical moment in our nation's history.

Sound familiar? (Hint: see the last paragraph in Eric's posting)

Goss turned out to be a screw-up, hated by his underlings, a man who politicized the CIA. Also, there are lingering questions as to possible involvement in the Watergate II scandal (a.k.a. "Hookergate") in which Republican Congressmen and defense contractors were essentially running a brothel in the Watergate Hotel.

...Does this instill confidence?

Sickboy said...

I almost feel bad for W. You know?

Mark M said...

Almost... You can look at the before and after pictures and see how the job has aged him, just like it did with Clinton. Clearly he feels a great burden. That's about the extent to which I sympathize with him.