Thursday, May 25, 2006

The more things change.....

So the more things change, the more they stay the same....
changing the subject, who has a story about their first pair of Chuck Taylors.

These are actually Jake's (my 9 year olds) he left them in the den and when I saw them I imediatly pictured this post in my head. So I snapped a quick pic. (before I yelled at him to put them is the G.D. closet where they belong)

Personally, I never owned a pair, my feet are to long and these make big feet loog gargantuan.


Sickboy said...

I cant remember my first pair, but I do remember my first pair of vision street wear skater shoes...right now, Chucks are all I own besides a couple paris of really dressy wingtips. I won 5 pairs right now....I love them and they are very much a part of who I am now...

great idea for a post PJ!

Sickboy said...

own, now won, here come the typos again!!!